
Ahead of the November presidential election in the United States, the Republican National Convention started after the Democratic Party. On the first day, President Trump was unanimously nominated, and President Trump, who appeared on the scene after breaking the custom that appeared only on the last day of the National Convention, led the atmosphere.

This is Kim Yoon-soo, correspondent from Washington.


On the first day of the Republican National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, President Trump swept 2,550 delegates and was unanimously nominated for the presidential candidate.

Shortly after the nomination, President Trump appeared at the convention hall without notice.

It broke the convention of conventions that minimized public appearances before the acceptance speech.

President Trump said the elections will determine the future of the United States and emphasized that the United States was enjoying the greatest boom in history before the coronavirus outbreak.

[Trump / President of the United States. Until import Corona 19, moved from China the United States had ever enjoyed the most successful economic boom, that's the direction we go -

the fence Vice President also visited after Hall Convention Center Trump President confirmed as running mate The relay campaign continued.

[Fence / Vice President of the United States: the Republicans, as well as throughout the United States Trump and President wanted something more in four years in the White House]

Democratic National Convention which was that from the first day forward, vice presidential candidate goes only as he then accompanied the scene moves the image way Focused on differentiation.

President Trump held a cross-fighting campaign throughout the Democratic squad last week, but Biden's practice of refraining from offensive during the opposing squadron showed little reaction throughout the day.