In early July, when the controversy over the multi-homed people of the government and the ruling party was fierce, the Citizens' Alliance for Economic Control (hereinafter referred to as'Gyeongsil-ryun') investigated the current status of the Democratic Party multi-homed members.

Regarding the reason that only the Democratic Party was investigated at the time, Gyeongsil-ryun said, "Before the general election, the Democratic Party received a pledge to sell multiple houses from the candidates, to confirm the implementation situation."

[Pick Q&A] also covered the results of the convulsion investigation.
※ [Pick Q&A] Who has risen a lot of'to be smart'? (Democratic Party)

Recently, the Democratic Party responded to a questionnaire sent to the lawmakers who wrote the pledge of'Recommendation for the sale of houses other than one house' and to disclose the implementation status.

It is said that only two of the 39 multi-household lawmakers have completed the sale. Among 42 multi-household elected members of the Democratic Party, it is the result of an investigation of 39 lawmakers excluding the chairman of the National Assembly and two other party members.

Specifically, it was investigated as two lawmakers who ended the sale, two renounced shares of the inheritance, and one niece donor, but the Democratic Party did not disclose the list.

In December of last year, then Democratic Party leader Lee In-young asked the party leadership to receive a pledge to dispose of housing other than the purpose of residence from candidates who want to run for this general election.

Before the general election, the Democratic Party's General Election Planning Team in January recommended that candidates who own two or more houses in the speculative and overheated districts, and the target area to be nominated, fill out a'sale pledge' for houses other than those for residence purposes.

Gyeongsil-ryeon criticized "it was confirmed that the pledge to sell the house was not effective."

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