China News Service, Beijing, August 20 (Reporter Ma Xiuxiu) The school season is approaching, and overseas Chinese schools will soon end their summer class teaching status and start the class mode for children during school. In an online interview with a reporter from China News Service, several heads of overseas Chinese schools said that they have made a course plan and are ready for teaching.

  Since the outbreak of the epidemic in Germany, the Stuttgart Chinese School in Germany has no longer arranged classroom teaching. According to teacher Liu Qing, due to the epidemic, the school is currently preparing children for online classes in the fall semester. All teachers in the class have been arranged to participate in online training. At the same time, they are preparing for the network and App adjustments required for teaching.

  When will the offline classroom be resumed, Liu Qing admitted frankly that it needs to be decided based on the epidemic situation. "If normal teaching is resumed, the school will prepare adequate masks, gloves and disinfection and epidemic prevention supplies for teachers and students, and will also pay attention to the safe distance between students and teachers in class."

  In previous years, the French Red Panda School ended its enrollment work in June, but due to the epidemic this year, related work may have to be postponed to September.

  "The school is expected to start classes in early September, and related matters are already in preparation." Principal Luo Jian said that at present, it is mainly based on offline preparations. "Compared with online teaching, face-to-face communication and interaction are more conducive to Chinese learning."

  “We have prepared hand sanitizers in all campuses, as well as masks for the children, and they are already being distributed.” Luo Jian said that in the WeChat group, she often reminds parents to educate children to learn how to prevent and get used to it. Wear masks, etc., cultivate children's epidemic prevention habits, and strive to prepare enough for epidemic prevention for the start of classes.

  "However, if online classes are still to be changed due to the epidemic, the school will be able to respond freely." Luo Jian said that since February, school teachers have accumulated sufficient online teaching experience.

  According to Ina, the vice principal of Bergamo Chinese School in Italy, the recent epidemic in Italy has rebounded, making the original plan to open the school in September somewhat unclear. She told reporters that the school made preparations for the start of classes in two ways.

  If offline teaching is open, the school will conduct weekend classroom teaching normally, and also conduct certain online teaching on non-weekends, so that students can have more opportunities to contact and learn Chinese; but if offline teaching conditions do not allow, it will continue The form of online classes.

  "90% of children still like offline teaching. They feel that through communication and interaction, they can find confidence." Ina said that the Italian government attaches great importance to children's epidemic prevention and safety. If schools carry out offline teaching, they will definitely follow government requirements. Take preventive measures.

  "I miss the children very much. I hope everyone will return to school as soon as possible." Luo Jian said, the school also plans to open Chinese-taught ping-pong classes, dance classes, singing classes, etc., while cultivating children's interest, provide learning for everyone Chinese environment.

  "Although we cannot teach in physical classrooms during the epidemic, students continue to learn Chinese through a series of online courses such as online summer camps, online classrooms, and real-world classrooms." Liu Qing said, and hoped that the students can share their enthusiasm. keep it up. (Finish)