Admission season for college entrance examination, beware of traps (according to the case)

Don't believe in "special indicators"

  [Case] ​​Zhang met Li on an occasion, during which Zhang mentioned his child's college entrance examination. Li lied that he had worked in a certain national ministry and had acquaintances in a certain university, so he could get the “special index” of the university. Li said that he needed 400,000 yuan to get the "special quota" and said that "a full refund cannot be made." Zhang believed that it was true and transferred 400,000 yuan to Li. Since then, Zhang's child has not received an admission notice from a certain college. Zhang realized that he might be deceived and reported to the police. In the end, Li was sentenced to two years and six months in prison for bluffing and deceiving.

  [Statement] The judge reminded that the vast majority of college entrance examination scammers will fabricate their identities or exaggerate their abilities, and package themselves or their intermediaries as a "capable person", and generally will not disclose their specific position in the "unit" or reveal that they cannot be verified The job of using the information asymmetry between the trustee and the trustee or intermediary to carry out fraud.

  Criminals often use "internal enrollment", "special indicators" and "re-enrollment" and other scams, that is, falsely claim that a certain university has not been able to recruit enough places, and can spend money to allow candidates to obtain special indicators or make up enrollment places. In fact, the college entrance examination admission system has a strict national unified authentication encryption system and supervision mechanism. The so-called spending money to go to a good university, a good major, or a university with insufficient scores, etc. are all tricks to deceive people.

"Cooperative Education" to be screened

  [Case] ​​The education and training institution run by Xie once cooperated with a university to organize training courses, and students can enter the campus to observe the courses. Xie asked Xing to recruit students in the name of helping him recruit a student with a rebate of 5,000 yuan. Seeing that there is a "business opportunity" in this matter, Xing lied to the outside that he was the assistant to the vice president of the university, and could help the college entrance examination candidates to obtain formal academic qualifications and degrees. Bai gave Xing a 300,000 yuan benefit fee due to his unsatisfactory college entrance examination results. Later, Bai received the "admission notice" of the college. Four years later, Bai did not obtain the graduation certificate and degree certificate as scheduled, and found that his student status was not in the college, so he reported to the police. It turned out that Xing had defrauded 7 people totaling 2.2 million yuan in this way. In the end, Xing was sentenced to ten years and six months in prison for fraud.

  [Statement] In reality, some training institutions and colleges and universities use the form of borrowing teaching venues and auditing school courses to form convenient conditions. Under the guise of "cooperating with colleges and universities", they deliberately exaggerate and falsely promote, claiming that the same will be issued upon graduation. The degree certificate and graduation certificate of the victim give the victim the appearance of false admission. These are all auxiliary acts of fraud, which are used to defraud money for the purpose of illegal possession. Candidates and parents should understand the nature of the so-called "cooperative schooling" through formal channels. Don't trust the other side's words. If you receive an admission notice from unknown origin, you should carefully screen out and report to the police if you find cheated.

  (Compiled by our reporter Zhang Cong)