• Alex Zanardi underwent surgery for 'complications'. It is in stable condition
  • Zanardi, doctors still working to stabilize his conditions
  • Zanardi transferred to intensive care at the San Raffaele in Milan, unstable conditions
  • Niccolò Zanardi: "Dad will make it this time too"


August 19, 2020 Alex Zanardi "responded with significant clinical improvements" after "a period during which he was subjected to intensive care following his hospitalization on July 24" at San Raffaele and "for this reason he is currently assisted and treated with semi-intensive care at the Neuroreanimation Unit, directed by Professor LuigiBeretta ".

This was announced by the same hospital in Milan, with an update on the conditions of the Paralympic champion, always hospitalized in intensive care, two months after the dramatic accident of 19 June on a handbike near Siena.