Democratic Vice Presidential candidate Harris “One of four finalists” US paper August 14 11:32

U.S. leader New York Times said it was one of four finalists about Senator Harris, who was elected by former opposition and Democratic vice president Biden for the fall's US presidential election. It was.

The New York Times, a leading paper in the United States, detailed an online version of the selection process of Democratic vice presidential candidates aiming for regaining power in the autumn presidential election on the 13th.

Among the many candidates, Senator Harris, Senator Warren, a left-wing debate, a part of the Midwest Lastbelt, Governor Whitmer of Michigan, and former President Rice, who supported President Obama with Mr. Biden. It is said that four of the aides were still in the final selection.

On top of that, Rice had no experience as an elected politician, and Caucasian Warren and Whitmer were unable to show racial diversity, which was a negative factor. ..

Regarding Mr. Harris, although there was a concern that he had violently attacked Mr. Biden in a debate over the nomination of Democratic candidates, in addition to his experience as a politician and a sharp speech, he was black and Asian. It is said that Mr. Harris was selected in consideration of being a person who symbolizes diversity.

Mr. Biden, who is 77 years old, may retire in the first four years because of the election of the Vice Presidential Candidate for the Democratic Party. It was