Households with their own wells usually fetch drinking water from small groundwater reservoirs.

The levels there are below or well below the normal for the season in southern and eastern Götaland, eastern Svealand and southeastern Norrland, SGU states in its weekly report on Tuesday.

When it comes to the degree of filling in small magazines, it is at historically extremely low levels in some places - regardless of which season it is.

- In Gotland and most of Skåne, the levels are among the lowest since the measurements started in 1961, says Anna-Klara Elenström, hydrogeologist at SGU.

Levels week 33 in relation to normal for the season. Photo: SVT Design

Large magazines

The municipal waterworks usually collect drinking water in the large groundwater reservoirs. There, the levels are low in southern and eastern Götaland and in eastern Svealand.

Even in central Norrland, there are areas with levels below the normal for the season.

In an area in eastern Östergötland, the degree of filling is at a historically extremely low level - regardless of the season.

- It is among the lowest values ​​we have measured, says Anna-Klara Elenström.

Levels week 33 in relation to normal for the season. Photo: SVT Design

Small change

Since last week, the levels in the small magazines have decreased in several places.

But the situation in the small magazines is nevertheless similar to last week, with the exception of western Götaland and northern Norrland, which are starting to have more normal levels for the season, SGU states.

Even in the large magazines, levels have fallen in some places compared to last week. The situation is the same as before, SGU states. 

Do you have a forecast if more areas will have extremely low levels?

- It depends on how the weather will be, says hydrogeologist Anna-Klara Elenström.