Johan von Schreeb says that the days in Lebanon have been intense and that he is impressed with the health care. He points out the competence and efforts of the local healthcare staff in the country. He also believes that several hospitals more or less look like the new Karolinska Hospital with the latest and most modern equipment. But there are big challenges.

- It is 80 percent private, so you have to pay for it yourself. It is a great challenge to get access to healthcare, says Swedish doctor Johan von Schreeb, professor of global disaster medicine, in Morgonstudion and continues.

- The economic situation has meant that many of these hospitals have not been able to import and obtain materials. Had to fire medical staff and then they have covid-19 on top of that - which is now increasing quite sharply, especially with demonstrations. And they have not thought so much about the virus because they have focused on the explosion. 

The whole government has resigned, how does that affect healthcare?

- You can say like this that the health authority has not been active so I do not think it will affect that much, but of course you have to have control. But the WHO that I work with here has an important role to be a deputy, to support what exists and that there is a control for care, says Johan von Schreeb.  

See the whole clip with the Swedish doctor in the player above.