Dry mouth, fatigue, joint pain, four types of diseases, high incidence in autumn

  Autumn begins on August 7. The continuous rain in the past few days has added a little bit of coolness to the originally heated Yangcheng. Although the summer heat will fight back, some "old problems" that occur frequently in autumn are already on their way, such as dry eyes, dry mouth and throat, sore joints, and dry skin.

  Deputy Chief Physician Mo Yingqian, Department of Rheumatology and Immunology, Sun Yat-sen University Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital, reminded that if you have symptoms such as dry eyes, leg pain, joint pain, etc., be careful, you may have developed rheumatism.

  Medical guidance/Deputy Chief Physician Mo Yingqian, Department of Rheumatology and Immunology, Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University

  Text/Guangzhou Daily All-Media Reporter Ren Shanshan Correspondents Huang Rui, Zeng Wencheng, Zheng Muhan

  Photo: Zhang Qingmei, All Media Reporter of Guangzhou Daily

  Wind and cold invasion and considerate autumn fat are two major causes

  Rheumatism that is more common in autumn mainly includes rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, Sjogren’s syndrome and gout.

  Rheumatoid arthritis mainly manifests as swelling and pain of both wrists, bilateral metacarpophalangeal joints, and proximal interphalangeal joints. After getting up in the morning, the affected joints feel stiff (called "morning stiffness"), and most of them can last for more than 1 hour.

  Osteoarthritis is mainly manifested as joint pain, stiffness, hypertrophy and restricted mobility. As the disease progresses, joint contractures and dysfunction may occur.

  Sjogren’s syndrome mainly manifests as dry mouth and eyes, but it can also involve internal organs and systemic systems. Patients often drink water frequently, their teeth turn black and fall off, and recurrent keratoconjunctivitis sicca.

  Gout is mainly manifested as elevated serum uric acid, recurrent acute arthritis, tophi and joint deformities, and uric acid kidney stones.

  Why is the incidence of rheumatic immune diseases particularly high in autumn? Mo Yingqian believes that this is closely related to the autumn climate and eating habits.

  With the arrival of autumn, the weather gradually gets colder and the temperature difference between day and night becomes larger. Some people don’t pay attention to adding clothes in time or neglect to keep their limbs warm. After the joints are cold, it is easy to cause pain and swelling. Diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis are more likely to take advantage of. The wind" enters.

  The dry weather in autumn can also easily induce diseases such as endocrine disorders and autonomic dysfunction. Under "Autumn Dryness", patients with Sjogren’s syndrome cannot quench their thirst even if they drink water. They are also prone to problems such as dry eyes, dental caries, parotid gland enlargement, and constipation. Reduced skin oil secretion also makes these patients more susceptible to skin itching and scaling.

  Autumn is the traditional tonic season for the Chinese people. On the "autumn fat" table, seafood and "old fire soup" are also high-purine diets, which may increase blood uric acid and induce gout.

  Wake up in the morning to practice "hand rubbing"

  Mo Yingqian suggested that in autumn, you might as well take care of your susceptible diseases.

  All types of arthritis patients should pay attention to wearing clothes to keep warm, especially in the joints. Knee pads and wrist guards can be added to the swollen and painful joints. At the same time, keep the room warm, dry and fresh air to avoid rain and cold.

  People with joint pain and stiffness can do "hand rubbing" every morning, first rub their hands together, move the fingers of both hands to relieve morning stiffness, and then try to move the wrist, elbow, and shoulder joints to perform flexion and extension exercises.

  At the same time, patients can participate in various indoor and outdoor fitness activities when they are not sick, including walking, practicing Tai Chi, and doing radio gymnastics. It is not advisable to sit still for a long time; if the disease relapses, pay attention to rest and reduce the amount of activity.

  Patients with Sjogren’s syndrome should moderately reduce the time and frequency of bathing with dry skin to avoid damage to the oil layer of the skin. After bathing, use mild skin care products to keep the skin moist and reduce scaling.

  In terms of diet, such patients should drink more water, try to avoid hot peppers, ginger garlic, pepper and other hot products, and eat less fried foods. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins, such as pears, radishes, lotus root, honey, etc.; rinse your mouth frequently after meals to prevent tooth decay and oral infections.

  At work and rest, patients should pay attention to rest and keep warm. Exhaustion, cold, long-term fatigue and lack of sleep can aggravate the condition. Patients should moderately reduce work, relax their mood, and avoid emotional backlogs. Patients with gout should “control their mouths” to effectively control the intake of purines and reduce the risk of disease.

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  In early autumn, if you are not busy "buying yin", you should still focus on replenishing qi, invigorating the spleen and removing dampness

  Guangzhou Daily News (All-media reporter Zhang Qingmei, correspondent Liang Yiyin) The natural deputy director of the Department of Pulmonary Diseases, Guangzhou Medical University Affiliated Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, said that the climate is dry after the beginning of autumn. In principle, you should eat more yin and moisturizing products. However, the heat in the Lingnan area is still unabated, and the heat continues, gradually turning from dampness to dryness. If you are eager to nourish yin in early autumn, spleen deficiency is easy to aggravate. Especially people with old lung diseases, repeated coughing and sputum expectoration are more likely to have attacks and aggravation at this time. Therefore, the health regimen should be adapted to local conditions and time, and not blindly.

  According to experts, in early autumn, it is still the main method to invigorate qi, invigorate the spleen and reduce dampness, especially for people with fatigue, fatigue, sticky mouth, greasy face, indigestion, and sticky stools, such as dangshen millet porridge, yam yellow essence porridge , Gorgon paste, Astragalus stewed chicken soup, etc.

  After the Mid-Autumn Festival, the weather gradually turns dry, and the human body often appears dry face, dry mouth, dry mouth, dry nose, etc., "outer dryness and inner dampness". At this time, in addition to nourishing yin and moisturizing the lungs, you still need to take proper care of qi and spleen , You can eat the following soups:

  1. Boiled lean meat soup with apple, Sydney, yam and yam: Combine the above ingredients with appropriate amount and slowly boil it into a soup, which moisturizes dryness and nourishes the lungs, and tastes good.

  2. Pork soup with yuzhu yam: appropriate amount of pork or pork bones, two sea clams, appropriate amount of yam, yuzhu, ginger, slow cook into soup, nourishing lungs and qi, nourishing yin and clearing lungs.

  3. Pork knuckle soup with Bawang flower and five claw dragon: use pork knuckle with skin, Bawang flower, five-finger peach, pork bone, a few candied dates, a small amount of tangerine peel, and slowly boil it into a soup. It is light and fragrant, and can reach Nourishes the lungs, nourishes qi, and enhances immunity.