Two years ago, the government appointed an equality commission to come up with proposals to reduce the gaps in society. The report is now ready and submitted to the Minister of Finance with a number of different proposals.

- This is an enormously broad base. But the important thing we can see is that it is possible to strengthen the economy in society while we can reduce the gaps, says Per Molander.

But for this to become a reality, the Equality Commission points out a couple of areas where they want to see the state make clear changes.

- A common thread we can see is that the state has abdicated from its task in quite a few policy areas, says Per Molander.

Early interventions

Education, housing and integration are some of the areas highlighted by the Commission in its report.

- New arrivals who have arrived in recent years help the demographic problem that has existed in Sweden with an aging population. But it is important that several efforts are made so that everyone can be established in society, he says.

At the same time, the report emphasizes the importance of early intervention in education to prevent inequalities from emerging. Initiatives that in the long run also benefit integration and housing policy.

- Inequality means that not all resources are fully utilized in the country, says Per Molander.