• Mattarella: serious distortions in CSM decisions, the judiciary regains credibility
  • Bufera Procure, Salvini: immediately reset the CSM and proceed by drawing lots
  • Crisis Giunta Anm, today the plenum. Bonafede presses for CSM reform


August 03, 2020

Double round and draw if the number of candidates foreseen in each college is not reached and if the "pink quotas" are not guaranteed. It is the latest news foreseen by the reform of the CSM and of the judicial system of the Minister of Justice which should arrive at the next CDM and which also provides for the increase of lay councilors (from 8 to 10) and toga (from 16 to 20).

For the election of the 20 togates, 19 colleges and two rounds of voting are foreseen: in the first, up to 4 preferences are expressed: if the elector expresses more than one, candidates of different gender must be alternated. Each college must make at least 10 applications, including 5 for each genre. When there are fewer candidates or the candidates do not respect gender equality, the missing candidates are drawn by public drawing. The candidate who obtained at least 65% of the valid votes is elected in the first round. Otherwise we go to the second round, in which the four candidates who obtained the highest number of preferential votes in the college take part. In the event of a tie, the candidate of the gender who is least represented in the individual college prevails.