Ages are in the hand of God Almighty, and the time is destined, but this does not contradict the necessity of taking the reasons, to take care of the health of the bodies that are from the blessings of God Almighty, and one of the means for that is to choose the type of food that you eat, it affects your health, it may extend or reduce your life expectancy. .

In her report published by the American Eat This, Not That! Magazine, author Amy Kapita presented a list of eating habits that may reduce your life expectancy.

1- Excessive eating of a lot of meat, animal products and processed meats

Middle-aged adults who follow a diet rich in animal proteins are four times more likely to die from cancer due to cancer, and 74% more likely to die from any disease than those who follow a low-protein diet.

However, it may be beneficial for adults over 65 years old to follow a moderate or protein-rich diet, based on plant foods like beans and chickpeas.

2- Soda

A study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, found that consuming two or more soft drinks a day was associated with an increased risk of death.

3- Eat food several times a day

The author explained that giving your body a break from food can keep you alive longer. A study conducted over a period of four and a half years published in the journal Circulation focused on the results of the average life expectancy of about two thousand people who underwent a heart operation.

Nearly 400 of these participants were accustomed to fasting for one day each month for at least five years, and their long-term life expectancy was much better than it was. The mortality rate for those who fasted regularly was 45% lower compared to others in the study group.

4- Wine

Wine consumption reduces life by increasing the risk of cancer by 5% for adults who consume alcohol every day for ten years, and adults who drink two glasses a day for five years.

5- A diet that increases your weight

Excessive calorie intake at meal time is likely to increase the BMI, a measure that estimates body fat. Dietician Lisa Young warns that "being overweight can shorten life because it is linked to diabetes, heart disease and other chronic diseases."

According to one study, the life expectancy of an obese person decreases between five and 20 years.

6- Not eating enough plant foods

Dietician Lisa Young says that diets that lack fruits and vegetables have an effect on longevity. "Agricultural products contain antioxidants, along with fibers and other nutrients associated with reducing chronic diseases, such as heart disease and some types of cancer."

7- Excessive sodium intake

Young confirmed that eating too much salt is associated with short life. High-sodium diets are associated with high blood pressure and heart disease. A nearly 30-year study published in The Lancet also compared health and eating habits among citizens of 195 countries, and concluded that consuming large amounts of sodium was one of the three major food factors causing death.

And it seems that sodium reduces life significantly.

In 2017, more than half of the deaths examined in this study were attributed to excess sodium in the diet.

The World Health Organization recommends that the average adult salt intake not exceed five grams per day, equivalent to two thousand milligrams of sodium.

On the other hand, there are dietary habits that may help increase the life expectancy, such as:

1- Olive oil

Researchers from the University of Minnesota Medical School discovered through an eight-year study published in 2020 in the "Molecular Cell" magazine that fat in olive oil stimulates a pathway within cells associated with increasing longevity, as well as preventing diseases associated with aging.

2- Dietary fiber

A study published in the journal "Medicine Medicine" - which included data from 8,300 adults with type 1 or type 2 diabetes - found that those who consumed high-fiber foods were less likely to face early death compared to those who consumed small quantities of them, because they contribute to improving Blood glucose levels.

It was found through this study that the mortality rate for those who consumed 35 grams of fiber daily decreased by 35%.

3- Nuts

A 30-year study by Brigham Hospital for Women and the Harvard Medical School of Medicine found that those who added nuts to their diet on a daily basis lived longer, and were less likely to die from cancer, cardiovascular and respiratory disease.