<Anchor> The

economic growth rate in the second quarter of the United States was the worst ever since statistics were compiled. The GDP growth rate, converted on a yearly basis, is -32.9%.

This is because consumption has been greatly reduced due to the corona containment policy.

<Reporter> A

34-year-old grocery store that has kept a corner in east New York, has been closed a month after the corona crisis.

[Parallel Fighter/General Store Owner: The global corona pandemic wasn't something we could overcome.] The

gym, which started business after the economic blockade was unsuccessful, had to sell rent and sell exercise machines.

[Alex Harttonian/Healthmaster: When we opened the door again, we realized that no one wanted to come to the gym. People were scared.] In

the second quarter of the year, when the corona crisis struck the blockade, the GDP growth rate in the United States plummeted to -32.9% on an annual basis.

Even in terms of quarterly consumption in Korea, it is 9.5% minus growth.

It's the worst score report in 73 years since 1947 when we started giving growth rate statistics.

US media reported that this is the first time in a short period of more than 30 recessions over the past two centuries.

The cause was a 34% reduction in consumption due to the corona blockade.

The number of claims for unemployment benefits, which was once the mood for the boom, was settled to 1.43 million, an increase of 12,000 from the previous week.

This is the result of the coronary re-spreading of the resumption of measures to resume economic activities.

Although there are many prospects that GDP in the third quarter, which began in July, will rebound again, the rebound is likely to be limited due to the prolonged corona crisis.



Correspondent Correspondent Kim Soo-hyung, after the shocking economic indicators, President Trump suggested a "presidential acting" and then there was a disturbance to change the words again?

<Reporter> In

the 15th minute after the worst 2nd quarter GDP statistics were released, there were tweets suggesting the delay in the presidential election.

Because of the vote in the mail, this election will be a negative election and asked if we should put off the election until we can vote with confidence.

After accepting the poor report card in the economic field that President Trump has been proud of, it is analyzed that he aimed at the effect of dispersing the gaze to cover other issues with the issue.

It is said that even if you lose in the November presidential election, you are justifying yourself to claim that you lost the election.

The intention of dividing for the support group is the basic intention, and as President Trump, you may actually want to hold the presidential election after the corona vaccine.


So, in a few hours, why did you change the words "I don't want to act as president" again?


First of all, this is not something the President can do.

The date of the election was decided by law, so it was decided that only the Congress could be changed, but the Republican Party, which was the ruling party, could not coolly postpone the election.

The date of the presidential election has never changed during the Civil War or World War II.

Eventually, President Trump changed.

[Trump/President of the United States: I don't want to delay the presidential election. I want to hold an election. But I don't want to know that after three months of mail-by-mail voting, the elections have become meaningless because the ballots have finally disappeared.] When you hear


, you wonder how much the US presidential election is now?


President Trump claims the poll is fake, but almost all experts acknowledge Trump's inferiority.

A major poll in the United States has also shown that a double digit loses to a candidate Biden.

(Video coverage: Jungsik Oh, Video editing: Oh-young Oh, Hyun-gi Jang)