Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 30 - Summary: Multi Experts for barge "On the Origin of New crown virus laboratory"

  Xinhua News Agency reporter

  The new crown epidemic continues to spread globally. Recently, some U.S. officials are spreading the slander that "the new crown virus originated in the Wuhan laboratory", to "shove the pot" for their own inability to fight the epidemic. Experts from many countries refuted this statement.

  Tom Inglesby, director of the Health and Safety Center at Johns Hopkins University in the United States, told the media a few days ago: "My judgment is still that the new crown virus is of natural origin."

  An international team published a report in the British journal Nature Microbiology on the 28th that the new coronavirus may have diverged from the most closely related bat virus 40 to 70 years ago, which means that the virus lineage that produced the new coronavirus may be It has been spread in bats for decades. Researchers believe that the long differentiation time of the new coronavirus indicates that there may be an unsampled, potentially infectious bat virus lineage. At the same time, the existing diversity and dynamic process of virus recombination in the bat virus lineage proves that it is quite difficult to identify viruses that may cause major human outbreaks in advance.

  Christian Anderson, a virology expert at the Scripps Research Institute in the United States, once published a paper on the origin of the new coronavirus in "Nature Medicine", saying that the origin of the new coronavirus can be inferred through comparative analysis of genomic data. "Our analysis clearly shows that the new coronavirus is not a laboratory-built virus, nor is it a deliberately manipulated virus."

  Trevor Bedford, a computational biology expert at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in the United States, also expressed his views in the media. He believes that he has never seen genetic material embedded or missing in some way. These subtle mutations are exactly the process of natural evolution.

  Ian Lipkin, director of the Center for Infection and Immunity at Columbia University, also said recently that there is no evidence to support the claim that the new coronavirus was “leaked” from the laboratory intentionally or unintentionally. "You cannot just verbally declare who is guilty of accidentally leaking the virus, you must have evidence.

  Christian Grelio, an expert at the Swiss Institute of Virology and Immunology, recently said in an interview with Euronews TV, based in Lyon, France, that “there is no conclusive evidence that the new coronavirus was produced in a laboratory”.

  Brendan Wren, a professor of medical microbiology at the University of London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, pointed out in May that “human history is a history of pandemic development. In fact, we experience the spread of various viruses and bacteria every year.” He said: "Pandemics happen naturally, there is no need to fabricate conspiracy theories for this."

  In response to conspiracy theories about the origin of the new crown virus, Peter Dassack, chairman of the Eco-Health Alliance, a non-profit research organization based in New York and a British disease ecology expert, published a commentary in the Guardian in the United Kingdom in June warning: "Conspiracy theories It will make people lose their logic and rational judgment."

  He emphasized that “analyzing the origin of the new coronavirus is still very important to us” because “such a global pandemic will not be a tragedy that happens only once. Ignoring the global scientific community’s judgment on how the virus originated and why it appeared, we will Will pay a higher price for this." (Note holder: Luo Guofang; participating reporters: Tan Jingjing, Yu Jiaxin, Zhang Jiawei, Chen Chen)