English music award Not qualified by foreign nationality Japanese singer's post discusses July 31 at 7:45

A Japanese singer based in the UK posted on Twitter that he was not qualified to receive an award because he was a foreign nationality, and the nationality distinguishes the evaluation of music and other arts. Is called into discussion.

The message was posted by Japanese singer Lina Sawayama (29).

Sawayama, who moved to England as a child and has a permanent residency, told Twitter on the 29th, “I have lived in England for 25 years, but I don't even qualify to win two big music awards. I just want to have the same dream as."

According to local media, qualifications for two of the UK's leading music awards such as the "Mercury Award" are limited to people of British nationality. The answer is that it will not change.

About this, the leading British paper Guardian said that evaluation of art is distinguished by nationality, saying that Mr. Sawayama said, "I think that it would be a big problem if an award related to art had created its own border control". It's a controversial topic.

Under these circumstances, the organization that hosts the two awards commented that the award qualifications are constantly being reviewed, suggesting that the conditions regarding nationality may be revised in the future.