According to the indictment, the man accused of murder and another man with the help of two other men have gone to the plaintiff's home in Ånge in order to rob him. In the home, two of the men are supposed to have seized and imprisoned the plaintiff with the intention of harming him and forcing on him various possessions such as his tablet, computer and television.

Choked to death after torture

The now murdered man and another man are said to have threatened the plaintiff with a pistol or similar, taped him around the hands, feet, neck, mouth and nose and hit and kicked him on the body and in the face. This must have caused bleeding and later his death by suffocation.

According to the indictment, the act should be judged to be extremely ruthless and crude because it was a protracted course of events of a torture-like kind that caused strong fear of death.

While the plaintiff had been taped and found himself in an unprotected and vulnerable position, the two other men in the prosecution, despite knowing the situation, also entered the plaintiff's home where they, in agreement with the others, participated in the robbery by stealing goods from the plaintiff. and carried the goods to one man's car.

According to the indictment, the robbery should be assessed as serious because it was shown to be extremely crude at the time of the incident, and that the violence to which the plaintiff was subjected finally deprived him of life.

Four men are charged

A total of four men are charged for the incident. One man is charged with murder, kidnapping and aggravated robbery. Three of the men are charged only with aggravated robbery and the fourth man is charged with aiding and abetting robbery.

One of the men charged with aggravated robbery is finally also charged with assault in court. The man is to point a threat of violence at another of the accused men on a training tool in custody.