
Blue House announced that it has revised the Korea-US missile guidelines and is now able to use solid fuel for space launch vehicles from today (28th). The Blue House explained that this would enable the launch of low-orbit military reconnaissance satellites that were not easy with conventional liquid fuels, allowing 24-hour monitoring of the Korean Peninsula.

This is Kim Jong-yun.


Kim Jong-jong, the second officer of the National Security Office at the Blue House, said that the US-Korea missile guidelines have been revised so that solid fuel can be used for space vehicles that could only use liquid fuel.

[Kim HJ / Blue House national anbosil two deputy: July 28 solid fuel use restrictions for space launch today will adopt a new missile guidelines revised in 2020 which completely Off

Presidential especially was not easy with the liquid fuel through it He emphasized that it was possible to launch low-orbit military reconnaissance satellites.

It has a number of independent reconnaissance satellites that serve as the'eyes and ears' of the military force, so you can look into the Korean Peninsula 24 hours a day.

[Kim Hyun-jong / Cheong Wa Dae National Security Office Chapter 2: Ability to launch low-orbit (500~2,000㎞) military reconnaissance satellites using our own developed solid-fuel space projectiles with our own hands anytime, anywhere according to our needs I also predicted that the

domestic private space industry could be a momentum for rapid growth.

Although the current ballistic missile range limit, currently tied at 800 km, was maintained, Kim said, "We can negotiate with the United States at the right time."

In the process of revising the missile guidelines, he emphasized that there was no link to the defense cost-sharing negotiations, saying that "nothing was given to the United States as an opposition."