China news agency, Guangzhou, July 27 - Title: Chinese Pragmatics Ho pioneering nature: looking overseas scholars sights on mainland

  Author Cai Minjie

  He Ziran, a Chinese pragmatist and professor at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, recently stated that the number of articles on Chinese pragmatics by overseas scholars has been increasing year by year. It is hoped that overseas Chinese pragmatics scholars will publish their research results in journals in mainland China and share their domestic and overseas studies of pragmatics. .

  He Ziran was born in Zhongshan, Guangdong in 1937 and lived in Hong Kong and Macau as a child. Due to changes in his family circumstances, he returned to the Mainland to settle in the Mainland with his family at the age of 15. Under the guidance of teachers at the time, He Ziran became interested in language phenomena. Specializing in pragmatics in Canada. After returning to China, he published the first pragmatic work "An Introduction to Pragmatics", which he was called the pioneer of Chinese pragmatics research.

  In recent years, the academic community generally believes that all phenomena involving language have pragmatic problems, and the definition of pragmatics has been expanded, so it is combined with a large number of adjacent disciplines. For example, in the most "down-to-earth" category of interpersonal pragmatics, relevant research results can serve interpersonal communication and promote social harmony.

  He Ziran believes that Chinese pragmatics scholars at home and abroad regard pragmatics as a comprehensive study of all aspects of language use and understanding. Overseas scholars have systematically received training in Western language research methods, and there are many opportunities for academic exchanges, often publishing papers in international pragmatics journals.

  "In recent years, the number of articles on Chinese pragmatics by overseas scholars has increased year by year, and the research objects, perspectives and methods have become more and more abundant, and the level is higher." He Ziran said, but overseas scholars have published few results in the mainland. The development of pragmatics is getting better and better, and I hope they will turn their attention to publications in the mainland. At the same time, it is also hoped that mainland scholars will expand the scope of their research, participate more in high-level international conferences, and bring their research results to the international academic community.

  With the development of the Internet and mobile terminals, network languages ​​have ushered in a climax of development, with new words such as "call (refuel)", "xswl (laugh at me)" and other new words.

  "I'm also researching recently. This is indeed an interesting topic." Although he is over 80 years old, He Ziran still has many new articles in the newspapers, focusing on emerging topics of pragmatics.

  "Actually, the academic circle initially regarded Internet language as a new language variant to study, such as '4' instead of the word'for', and the acronym'wil' for'will', etc." He Ziran believes that, These words appearing in Chinese communication are temporary expressions at best. Out of mischievous psychology, language users will correct the course of language use and know which words cannot be used in formal situations. For the healthy development of language, it is necessary to regulate the use. However, there will often be conflicts between overly rigid and backward language policies and vivid language expression.

  "As long as the emerging internet vocabulary does not mislead the public, it can let it fend for itself." He said naturally. However, when some internet vocabulary may have a negative impact on language education, it should be regulated from the perspective of social pragmatics. The positive guidance and transformation of online vocabulary by linguists may enrich Chinese expression.

  He Ziran hopes that mainland Chinese majors can write academic articles in English, strengthen exchanges with overseas, and apply overseas advanced research theories and methods to Chinese studies. (Finish)