[Explanation] Under the conditions of informationization, the artillery unit's firepower strikes emphasize the high integration of information and firepower. A few days ago, a brigade of the 75th Army organized an artillery unit to conduct cross-regional live ammunition exercises. Through multi-course, multiple firearms, and cross-day and night live ammunition shooting tests, it tested and improved the unit’s ability to coordinate operations and letter-fire integrated strikes.

  [Explanation] At a training ground, a live-fire drill of artillery is in progress. After occupying the launch position, the officers and soldiers used the command and observation post and the drones to reconnaissance and return the target information, and accurately bound the artillery shots. The first round of fire strikes successfully destroyed the enemy's forward positions and successfully opened up several armored vehicles.

  [Concurrent] Chen Liangdi, platoon leader of a brigade of the 75th Army Group Army

  The improvement of damage efficiency mainly depends on the up-communicating and issuing of information links. We accurately calculate the impact point of the projectile, and then through the command information system, the target parameters are directly transmitted to each firepower unit, ensuring the accuracy of firepower strikes.

  [Explanation] As soon as the passage was opened, the troops received a notification from the guidance team that the enemy's armored target was found 20 kilometers away and was quickly maneuvering towards our position. The commander quickly ascertained the situation and commanded the units to prepare for firing again and intercept the enemy's armored targets.

  [Simultaneous] (Live screen)

  The direction is 002 to the right, and the direction is 30-16. All three rounds in a row are concentrated and let go!

  [Explanation] In the first round of strikes, because the target is moving too fast, the position information provided by the observation has a large error, resulting in an unsatisfactory strike effect. The command post recalculated the target's movement speed and direction, corrected the shooting deviation, and used multi-batch group shooting to cover the target area and successfully intercept the enemy's armored target.

  [Concurrent] Zheng Haiwei, company commander of a brigade of the 75th Army Group Army

  The situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, from observing the captured target, returning the position coordinates, to setting up the firing yuan in the artillery position, and implementing firepower strikes. The entire process must be precisely coordinated and tacitly coordinated to realize the artillery unit's combat attempt to quickly control the enemy.

  [Explanation] As night falls, the drill continues. Under low-light conditions, the multi-type artillery has successively completed single-gun multi-fire, multi-gun fire-collection, and extreme-distance shooting against enemy positions, effectively destroying many important targets of the enemy.

  [Concurrent] Liu Shengguang, deputy chief of staff of a brigade of the 75th Army Group Army

  In this exercise, our various strike units cooperated with each other, and multi-type firearms chose their own firing methods and types of ammunition, implemented three-dimensional firepower strikes on the target, and exerted its due combat effectiveness. The military's operational capabilities in intelligence reconnaissance, command and control, fire strikes, and comprehensive support have been effectively improved.

  Dao Zhinan, Zhang Xukui, Deng Yihan, Yu Xiaoping, and Cao Kai

Editor in charge: [Lu Yan]