Over the past few days, the Egyptians have followed through on the details of 3 family crimes committed by the fathers, all of which ended in a tragic end between the suicide of the father or the killing of the children by the father himself.

While the reasons varied according to government accounts, between severe economic crises and mental illness, some saw that these accidents sounded alarm bells and sounded alarm bells in the Egyptian society, especially in light of many crises ranging from poverty and blockage of the political horizon.

Last Friday, a driver murdered his three children in a terrible way, throwing them in front of an accelerating train in Mallawi district, south of Minya Governorate, and fled.

Investigations by the security services indicated that "Mohammed A.," (50 years), got rid of his three children (8, 6 and 4 years) by throwing them under the wheels of the train and fled, as initial investigations indicated that he was "mentally disturbed" and had been receiving treatment in a hospital for more than a year.

Two days ago in Assiut in the south, a father committed suicide because of the deteriorating health of his three children, and his inability to pay the expenses of their treatment, as they suffer from a rare genetic disease, and each of them needs continuous treatment that costs large sums.

A week ago, police investigations revealed that the fire that broke out in an apartment in the Badari Center in Asyut Governorate, which resulted in the death of 5 people, including 3 children, was the husband behind the incident.

The police explained that "Hussam AM" suffers from a psychological disorder, as he set fire to his mother, wife and daughters, and closed the door of the apartment to them due to family disputes over the expenses.

psychological reasons

Psychiatrist consultant Jamal Farwiz believes that many crimes committed due to mental illness occur due to black psychological depression and "specifically severe psychological depression makes him feel that the world is black, and that his children are angels and a loss that he lives in this bad world and therefore he kills them."

He explained that the father may suffer from auditory hallucinations, order him to do something, or comment on his behavior or praise him, according to local newspapers.

In turn, psychology professor Mahmoud Radi asserts that the prevalence of family crime rates in recent times is due to the psychological side, where some suffer from schizophrenia, which makes the idea of ​​salvation from the world and going to the afterlife and heaven is the best solution.

"We must recognize mental illness, spread a culture of psychotherapy and find solutions to problems in a rational way to achieve stability," Radhi said in statements published by the local media, and called on the media to avoid showing the full details of the crime and how it was committed, because the one who suffers from mental illnesses quotes those details and remains The idea wants him to implement the same.

In turn, Judge Jamal Al-Qaysouni, the former head of the Cairo Criminal Court, says that there are several reasons why parents commit these crimes, the most important of which are psychological reasons, as some of them reach a psychological defect that causes them to abuse their children with severe beatings, which ultimately leads to death and the law classifies it as a beating To death.

In statements to the local media, Al-Qaisouni explained that the second reason is due to poor economic conditions and the failure of the head of the family to meet the needs of his family, killing his children, pointing out that the execution is the legal ruling for these crimes, but some judges in family crimes use Article 17 of the Penal Code, which is called With "clemency", where the judge uses it if there are circumstances that led parents to do so.

Economic crises

Despite acknowledging the psychological causes behind the spread of family crimes in Egypt, some believe that there is a package of other causes, on top of which is the deterioration of economic conditions due to the successive economic tremors experienced by Egyptian society in recent years, which cast a shadow on the social aspects and different psychological conditions of the Egyptian people.

In this context, journalist Taha Khalifa believes that these catastrophic incidents have been witnessing an increasing number of times in society, considering that it must "not make the ruler close his eyelid, or congratulate him for living, until he reaches the causes and motives of these tragedies, and works to fix and treat them."

Khalifa said through his Facebook account that Caliph Omar bin Al-Khattab (may God be pleased with him) was wandering at night in the city, so he might listen to the grievances of the oppressed, the groans of the tormented, or the hungry people, adding, "The ruler is not required today to wrap and turn on the houses, but it is required Including justice and social justice, and close the differences between the classes, and not sleep a hungry or fearful or oppressed citizen. "

According to the Global Crime Index in 2019, Egypt ranked fourth in the Arab countries in the annual crime rate, and ranked 26th globally, and the eighth in Africa.

In January of last year, a report of the public security sector in the Ministry of Interior revealed that crime rates increased during the past three years, as crimes increased by 5% during 2015, by 7% in 2016, 10% at the beginning of 2017, and in 2018 they increased The rates are 5%.

For his part, the National Center for Governmental Criminal and Social Research revealed that family murders in Egypt constitute one-fourth to one-third of the total murders, and 92% of these crimes are carried out out of honor and honor as a result of suspicion, mistrust and rumors.

Today in Minya governorate, a father with 3 children, a girl and two children, who put them in front of the country and ran over them, a need, and God is sad. This is not the first time anyone has killed his family that happened twice a year ago in Qena ...

Are the people, who are the only people!

- Abboud (@ Abdulrahim_A2A) July 25, 2020

Until now, I cannot find a clear and explicit justification - my brain absorbs it - someone pays that he kills another person, because my brain is unable to absorb the killing of a father for his three children in a suspicious manner, such as the one that happened.

- Aya (@ayaelsehly_) July 25, 2020