National health insurance FY2018 settlement Insurance income decreased for 5 consecutive years July 27, 5:35


The settlement of accounts for FY2018 of the public health insurance "National Health Insurance" has been consolidated, and premium income has decreased for the fifth consecutive year due to a decrease in the number of subscribers.

The "National Health Insurance", which is used by 27.52 million self-employed people, will be joined by prefectures in order to strengthen its financial base. It was.

As a result, premium income decreased by 107.8 billion yen from the previous fiscal year to 2.671 trillion yen for the fifth consecutive year, due to a decrease in 1.19 million subscribers.

As for other income, the national expenditure is 3,453.4 billion yen and the prefecture expenditure is 1,115.7 billion yen.

As for expenditure, insurance benefit expenses decreased by 210.3 billion yen from the previous fiscal year to 8,796.6 billion yen, so the actual balance of national health insurance as a whole was a surplus of 21.5 billion yen.

Apart from the annual expenditure, the government has expanded the financial support for national health insurance to approximately 340.0 billion yen, which is about double the amount of the current expenditure, but it is expected that the support will be necessary as the population ages. I'm out.