
Our SBS conducted a poll on political and economic issues. Today (26th), we will give you the results of the investigation tomorrow. There was more favor than opposition to the move of the Blue House and the National Assembly to Sejong City. Let's see how it was by region and by party support.

This is Yun Nara.

<Reporter> He

asked what he thought about the transfer of administrative offices to move the Blue House and the National Assembly to Sejong City.

With 48.6% in favor and 40.2% in opposition, there were more votes out of the margin of error.

In Chungcheong Province, including Sejong, there were more than twice as many votes in favor of 63.9% and 29.9% in the opposite direction, while in the metropolitan area, the opposite was 46.8% and 43.7% in favor.

In favor of Democrats and Justice, supporters of the Democratic Party and the People's Party of the People's Republic of Korea stood at 60%.

When asked about the respondents in favor of the previous administrative capital, 49.7% cited regional balance development, 41% cited the overcrowding of the metropolitan area and stabilization of real estate prices, and 7.6% cited the reasons for overcoming the decrease in administrative efficiency.

Respondents are not conducive to overcrowding in the Seoul metropolitan area and stabilizing real estate prices. 35%, passports are pursuing with the intention of transition, 31.2%, received a past unconstitutional decision, 12.2%, and it is difficult to expect regional development other than Sejong to 11.4%. The reason was divided.

When asked if it would be necessary to revise the constitution to transfer the administrative capital, the constitution had to be revised because it had been unconstitutional in the past.

In terms of democratic supporters only, 39.1% of them were promoted through amendment and 46.9% were promoted without amendment.

The survey was conducted by SBS at Ipsos, a public opinion polling agency, yesterday and yesterday. At the% confidence level, it is plus or minus 3.1%P.

(Video Editing: Seon-Tak Kim)   

▶ Download [Opinion Survey Report]   
▶ [Opinion Survey ②] July 10 Real Estate Measures, 59.3% "No Effect"