Many are overweight, especially the fat accumulation in the abdominal area, which is sometimes called "rumen".

It is believed that the health system and daily activity are only responsible for the formation of belly fat, but according to what Deutsche Welle quoted from the German "Freundin" site, hormones also play a big role.

The belly fat represents a health risk because it causes high blood pressure and inflammation in the body, which may lead to several diseases, including heart disease.

Below we show some signs that the hormones are responsible for the hatchability:

1- Weight gain despite movement and healthy food

If a person exercises and maintains a healthy diet but notices an increase in his weight, this may be a sign of hormonal imbalance.

This is especially true with the age of women, as Deutsche Welle quotes the American Mayo Clinic that many women have noticed an increase in abdominal fat after menopause, due to a decrease in the estrogen hormone that plays A role in the process of distributing fat in the body.

2- Increased desire to eat sugars

Freuden says the increased desire to eat foods that contain sugar may occur due to insulin resistance, the hormone that allows cells to absorb glucose or sugar in the blood.

And when insulin resistance occurs in the body, this affects the leptin hormone, and according to the Freuden site, this causes the person to eat more than he needs.

Leptin is a hormone that works to regulate the energy balance in the body, inhibiting food intake and thus stimulating weight loss, and it is currently believed that some obese people may have resistance to this hormone, and the leptin hormone is also known as the "satiety hormone."

Leptin is mainly secreted from the fatty tissue in the body, and it is also produced in small amounts in other human tissues such as the stomach, placenta, and heart.

3- Mood changes

If the increase in abdominal fat is also accompanied by mood changes, then the hormones may be responsible, and this usually occurs in women on menstruation days or after menopause because of changes in estrogen levels in the body.

4- A sense of stress

Freuden's site indicates the role that nervous pressure plays in the formation of fat in the abdominal area, as tension leads to an increase in the hormone cortisol in the body, which in turn leads to weight gain. The body burns less fat, and while this continues to be stored in the abdomen.

Do you suffer from false or emotional hunger?

Al-Jazeera Medical and Health (@AljazeeraHealth) July 25, 2020

5- Sleep disturbances

Sometimes a person is tired but unable to sleep, and the Freuden site is due to the hormone cortisol as well, as cortisol may affect the function of the thyroid gland, which leads to weight gain and sleep disturbances despite a constant feeling of exhaustion.

It is advised, among other things, to control cortisol in the body, such as trying to reduce stress, daily physical activity, and maintaining a healthy diet.