• School, Azzolina: we are working hard to reopen on September 14th


July 25, 2020 The reopening of schools, the use of the Recovery Fund's treasury, the job: the Five Stars meet at the end of the long stop dictated by the Coronavirus emergency and they do it with a two days entitled The Olympics of Ideas. The aim is to gather ideas and suggestions for the political season that is opening up, starting with the national recovery challenge linked to the Recovery Fund.

It was not the General States that should have been held in March and then postponed 'sine die', but the Olympics of Ideas still represent a new internal confrontation and a way to mend relations with the base, after months of lockdown.

All remotely, of course, thanks to the Rousseau platform which guarantees the possibility to move between virtual thematic tables, going from a training session to one on government or foreign affairs.

To inaugurate the first day of the work was the patron of Rousseau, Davide Casaleggio, who called everyone back to pursue "the civic dream we have in the drawer". The starting point remains the victory obtained in Brussels over the Recovery Fund, a theme that also brings that of the Mef. The Five Stars remain on a line of opposition to the use of the European Stability Mechanism, as Vito Crimi also pointed out in an interview today, and with the vice president of the European Parliament, Fabio Massimo Castaldo indicate in the fight against tax evasion and dumping the new challenge to win: "An important battle has been won in Europe thanks to the very important negotiation of Conte, but this moment of difficulty has brought to light other battles, such as the contrast of the corporate tax avoidance. The IMF tax havens count $ 650 billion a year as lost revenue. An impressive figure, "explains Castaldo. 

But the lion's share was made by the ministers. Or, better, the ministers: from Dadone to Azzolina to Pisano, the roundup of government officials was pink, enriched also by the mayors Virginia Raggi and Chiara Appendino. From the reopening of schools to smart working, the knots of this re-start phase have been touched upon. "We are working hard to reopen the school on September 14th, obviously in presence and in safety", assured the school minister, Lucia Azzolina, who then focused on the distance teaching that was imposed during the lockdown and to which the school will not give up: "We do not want to give up doing digital teaching that can also be used in the classroom, and not only with the student at home and the teacher at school. There are already innovative schools, educational avant-garde that they already use it, and it is very appreciated by our students ".

To save from this crisis is, for the Minister of Public Administration, smart working: "My 'rebel' idea regards smart work in the Public Administration, it has allowed us to keep our distance and to carry on public services without dysfunctions" , explained Fabiana Dadone. "It was a great test and I would like it to be the driving force also in the restart, organizing the work in a completely different way". In short, as summarized by the Minister of Innovation, "if during the lockdown period we had not had connectivity many citizens would not have been able to continue studying or working. It is good to have found out digitally, but now the state must stabilize the situation: now we have to make sure that connectivity is everywhere, and that it is perceived as normal, as water is for us every morning for the shower ", underlines Paola Pisano. 

On the sidelines of the event, however, there was no lack of controversy. On the tables, albeit digital, of the event the news of the new investigation involving the Lombard junta and the leading figures of the party react by calling into question the leader of the League, Matteo Salvini. "During his itinerant holidays for Italy, Salvini goes around talking about the good governance of the center-right. If Lombardy is the reference, we are comedians. It is evident that he attacks everyone to try to distract attention from the League and its continuos. disasters, "says Danilo Toninelli.