A middle-aged American man is attracting attention by splitting a billion won lottery prize into half with friends without hesitation.

On the 24th of the local time, foreigners such as CBS News of the United States introduced a story showing the'deep friendship' of two friends in Madison, Wisconsin.

Thomas Cook and Joseph Finney have been buying lotteries every week since the sale of the'Powerball Lottery' in Wisconsin in 1992. And when either of them won the lottery, they made a curious promise to split the prize in half.

So time went on and on the 10th of last month, Cook surprisingly got his first lottery. Only the winnings amounted to $2,200, and our money amounted to 26.4 billion won.

Upon knowing the fact, Mr. Cook's first act was to call his friend Finney. It was a promise given and received only in words about 30 years ago, but I was contacted to keep my promise to divide my winnings in half.

Eventually, Mr. Cook and Mr. Finney went to the Wisconsin Lottery Commission side by side. In addition, the lump-sum cash payment method was used, and after deducting federal and state taxes, the total amount was 5.7 million, respectively, and was divided into approximately 6.8 billion won in Korean money.

"I don't have any special plans yet. It's good to be able to have a comfortable old age while taking care of my grandchildren," Cook said. In the meantime, "I'm enjoying a car trip with the Finney couple, but I have to pick a new car."

This is'News Pick'.

(Photo ='Wisconsin Lottery' YouTube)