Drinking coffee, brushing the net, and keeping bees-
  young people in small towns redefine "migrant workers"

  Reading tips

  After 21 years of living in Beidiao, Yang Jingting, a young man in the small town, returned to Yongtai, Fuzhou, and plunged into the "swarm" to start his own business. Back in the town, he wanted to create new value for the land and people who grew up here. The young people who returned to the small town not only succeeded in starting a business, but also brought new changes to the local area. In the future, with the continuous development of the county economy, Yang Jingting believes that the small town can also hold its dream.

  "Lao Yang's eldest son in Beijing is back!"

  In the Spring Festival of 2018, Yang Jingting's return to his hometown has become a new thing to be discussed at the New Year's Eve dinner of every family in Fukou Township, Yongtai, Fuzhou. But in Yang Jingting's view, on the streets of the small town, there are many more new things than his returning home. From Pinduoduo, Kuaishou, and Bilibili, the slogans that surround the city and hang into the small town; to the balance bikes and tablet computers that children play. He said that the changes he saw in the small town were enough for him to make a decision to "escape from Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou."

  Return home, create a "sweet road"

  At 7 o'clock in the morning on July 20, Yang Jingting greeted his wife and got into the van with tools. After driving for 20 minutes along the winding and steep mountain road, at the foot of Zishan, I finally saw rows of beehives neatly arranged. This is the bee farm that Yang Jingting built in Wukou Township after 2018.

  "The bee colony is going to be preparing for the summer now, there is no need to add new combs." Letting the bees rest for a while is his job for more than a month in the future.

  Bees can rest, but Yang Jing can't. He is still learning beekeeping techniques. "In the beginning, I couldn't figure out why the bees would fly away or why they didn't collect honey..." On Yang Jingting's arm, there were a lot of bee stings. He laughed and said, "This is how to learn beekeeping. Certificate of Completion." In the second year of returning to Huikou, he harvested 750 kilograms of honey, and the reputation of "Xiao Yang's" honey soon spread in the countryside.

  In Wukou, the most remote Mei Village, where the swarms of bees can also be seen dancing, is the home of poor household Chen Zhentian. In 2018, under the persuasion of Yang Jingting, Chen Zhentian dubiously raised 15 colonies of bees, harvested 100 kg of winter honey in less than six months, and earned 10,000 yuan. This spring, he received another 250 kilograms of honey. Yang Jingting is responsible for the sales. He is expected to make more than 20,000 yuan.

  Now in Wukou Township, none of the villagers does not know Yang Jingting. In addition to knowing that he is a returnee from "Beijing", everyone also knows that he is the owner of more than 300 colonies of bees. By opening beekeeping training courses at the town government and purchasing and selling local specialties, he took 23 poor households in the township to set up beehives on both sides of the 20-kilometer mountain road in Zishan. He wanted to turn this rugged mountain road into a “sweet place” for rural tourism. road".

  Now, in addition to busy managing the bee colony and instructing local beekeepers, Yang Jingting spends the rest of the time running exhibitions and expanding sales. In the past few days, he installed a string of lights on the trunk of the car, packed in agricultural products such as Hundred Flower Honey, Nest Honey, and participated in the "Tide Fun Fair" in the business district on weekends, bringing the local specialties from Wukou to the "city." People" on the table.

  "The next step is to build an ecological leisure farm, develop breeding and planting, and strive to keep up with the development of rural tourism." Yang Jingting told reporters.

  Mobile phone traffic is more than used in Beijing

  Sitting in front of a two-meter-wide injection molding machine, heating up the barrel, nozzle and molding mold, injecting the melt, waiting for the raw material to be plasticized, and opening the mold to take out the finished product... In 2010, in an injection molding factory in Fangshan, Beijing, this It is Yang Jingting's actions that repeat every day from 8:30 in the morning to 6 in the evening.

  From Beijing to Wukou, the habit of staying up every day in the city has not changed because of returning home, but the place of staying up late has been changed from the workshop in the factory to the bee farm in the mountains.

  The tradition of weekend family day in the city has not been cancelled because of staying in the small town, but the way of playing has changed from going to the shopping district and supermarket to go camping in the mountains and fishing in the stream.

  The hobby of online shopping and short videos in the city is not isolated from the world because of the high mountains and long roads in the small town. Online music, online K songs, mobile games, live games... As long as the network signal does not weaken, Yang Jingting uses more mobile phone traffic every month in Huikou than in Beijing.

  Judging from the consumption data in the past two years, the performance of young people in small towns in consumption has always been eye-catching. Tencent's 2019 Small Town New Youth Research Report shows that the average monthly online shopping expenditure of small town new youths is 1,293 yuan, accounting for more than 40% of the total monthly average expenditure; the 2019 Small Town Youth Development Report shows that compared with 3 years ago, the small Young people in the town dared to spend more, and consumer spending increased by nearly 60%.

  Experts pointed out that although the income level of young people in small towns is not as high as that of young people in big cities, their living costs are relatively low. With the increase in income, the development of Internet technology, and the increasingly complete infrastructure such as transportation and logistics, this huge group, mainly from county-level cities, counties and some towns, is showing great consumption vitality and potential.

  Some people say that life in a small town can be seen at a glance, but in Yang Jingting's view, the young people in the small town have changed from urban chasers to catered ones. With the blessing of the Internet, the time in the small town can also be colorful and colorful. Looking forward to it.

  "The town can also pretend to dream"

  In the rapid progress of the new urbanization process, young people in small towns have become an important link between the city and the countryside. They look forward to receiving more attention and response to their expectations.

  Some people laughed that Yang Jingting became a farmer again, and some said that he became a boss, but he still felt like a worker. "Whether it is migrant workers or young people in small towns, everyone is accustomed to putting labels on everyone based on their origin and geographic location." In Yang Jingting's eyes, in the small town, he used the standardized management system he learned in the workshop. Taking care of the bee farm, he uses the living habits he cultivated in the city to enrich his time in the small town. Even in a small town, he still maintains the same fast-paced life frequency as urban office workers, bears the pressure of car loans and commercial loans, and maintains a passion for new things and a better life.

  “It’s not easy to start a business, but it’s even more difficult to maintain business. It is my expectation of myself to manage the current company well and explore more fresh fields.” Yang Jingting said, he hopes that in the future, Weikou can adopt more attractive talent policies and welfare policies. Wait, to attract more young people from small towns like themselves to start businesses and realize their dreams on this land.

  "In the past, it has been the mainstream and general trend for young people from small towns to leave their hometowns to go to big cities. However, in recent years, the proportion of young people born in third-, fourth- and fifth-tier cities and county towns choosing to start businesses and find jobs in their hometowns has been increasing. The county economy and the policy orientation to promote rural revitalization are directly related.” said Wei Houkai, director of the Institute of Rural Development of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. “In order to achieve sustainable and healthy development of the county economy in the future, all counties must devote their efforts to seize the youth in the town. heart."

  "A small town can also hold the dream of a big city." Yang Jingting said, "Drinking coffee, brushing the net, keeping bees, I want to redefine the'migrant worker' in my own way!"

Li Runzhao