The body sends many signals to warn a person of health problems that he may not be aware of, and the body translates these signals into symptoms that the individual feels, causing him to go to the doctor and get the appropriate treatment.

Often the feeling of pain is the message that the body sends to the brain to alert it to the presence of some danger, but sometimes painless symptoms appear, but they are very important, and should not be ignored, and among the most important of these signs:

1- Cracking and drying of the lips

Lip chapping and dryness indicates a deficiency of Vitamin B, especially B2. Several foods that provide the body with Vitamin B, including broccoli and dairy products, are recommended, according to the Deutsche Welle report.

Cracked lips may also indicate that you do not drink enough water and the body feels dehydrated, but in the event of other symptoms such as a white layer on the lip or a dark pink color, it is recommended to visit a dermatologist, as these symptoms may be an indication of the presence of Inflammation of some kind in the body.

2- Weak and loose hair

Weak and dull hair may be a sign of a vitamin A deficiency in the body. The body can obtain its vitamin A supplement by consuming carrots, pumpkin and sweet potatoes. As for split and fallen hair, it may be a sign of iron and zinc deficiency. As for the presence of yellow chaff in the hair, it may indicate an inflammation known as seborrheic dermatitis.

3- Bleeding gums

Gingival bleeding usually indicates a lack of vitamin C in the body, and inflamed gums that are bleeding constantly may be a sign of heart problems, as bleeding gums can be a warning sign of diabetes, and in rare cases it may be an indication of leukemia .
If the cause is a lack of vitamin C, foods such as berries, peppers, and spinach can be eaten.

4- Sleep disturbances

Most sleep disorders indicate a person's erratic behavior in the evening; Whoever browses his cell phone before bed will not be able to relax completely, but sometimes the reason for being unable to sleep may be the lack of calcium and magnesium in the body. It is advised to eat bananas, avocados, legumes and grains in order to provide the body with nutrients.

Sleep disturbances may also occur as a result of a person suffering from difficulty breathing during sleep, which may indicate a suffocation of sleep, a condition that requires a doctor's review.

In sleep suffocation - also known as sleep apnea - relaxation occurs in the walls of the throat; This leads to shortness and normal breathing stops, and this may lead to sleep interruption.

Sleep apnea has negative effects on a person's health, and may lead to stroke. In apnea, sleep blockage may occur in the airway, and this is when breathing stops for 10 seconds or more.

Also, a partial duct obstruction (hypopnea) may result in a decrease in airflow more than 50% for 10 seconds or more.

People with sleep apnea may experience episodes of frequent apnea, and you may reach a seizure once every minute or two in severe cases.

5- Puffy eyes

Puffy eyes may be a sign of a lack of sleep, and may also be a sign of an allergy, or a weakness in the kidneys, as foods saturated with salt cause the eyes to swell in some people.

The menstrual cycle may also cause the eyes to swell in some women. Sometimes the cause of the swelling may be a thyroid disorder.

6- White tongue

Sometimes a thick white layer forms on the tongue, and this may indicate a deficiency of vitamins A, C and B12, as well as an indication of the presence of inflammation in the human body.

7- Swelling of the extremities

Swelling in the body usually occurs due to the accumulation of fluid and water in areas such as the feet. Foot swelling indicates circulation problems, and swelling of the feet or heels may be a sign of a thrombus that causes veins to be blocked.

8- Continuing fatigue

If a person is sleeping and resting and feeling tired the next day, this may mean having heart problems, a thyroid disorder, or a lack of iron.

9- Cold ends

If the extremities are cold all year round, even during the summer, this could be a sign of low blood pressure or a weak heart muscle.

The lack of thyroid function also causes the limbs to cool in some people, but if a person feels numbness in his limbs, this may be a sign of diabetes.

10- Disturbing mouth odor

Recurrent tonsillitis may cause an unpleasant mouth odor, and bad breath sometimes indicates liver, kidney, or intestinal diseases, and it is advised to see a doctor if symptoms persist.

11- Tingling the feet at night

The German Association of Neurologists says that a feeling of tingling in the feet at night foreshadows restless legs syndrome, which overwhelms the patient's bed and robs sleep of his eyes; So it is often associated with sleep disturbances and the resulting feeling of fatigue and poor concentration.

The association explained that restless legs syndrome is a disorder of nerve function that may be a separate disease in itself or a symptom of another disease, such as impaired kidney function, a thyroid function disorder, a deficiency of iron or vitamin B12.

Some factors increase the severity of troubles, such as nervous tension, hard physical work, and sports. Also, some medications - such as antidepressants - may increase restlessness in the legs.
You can
cope with restless legs exercise some sports activities simple, conducting massages, hot baths and take reciprocal (and cool), and dispensing with the intake of caffeine - containing beverages.
these measures have not succeeded in the face of restless legs, then you should consult a neurologist.

12- Episodes of depression or exhilaration

This may indicate a bipolar disorder, which is a mental disorder, according to the German Society for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Neuroscience.

Patients with bipolar disorder often oscillate between two emotional states and moods: the depression phase and the manic phase.

Often the stage of "mania phase" is accompanied by increased creativity and self-confidence, and it is considered a salvation from the previous stage, in which the patient suffers under the weight of very deep depression.
most prominent symptoms of the disorder in the rush and mindless behavior and mood swings and severe fluctuations of appetite, accelerated speech, ideas, lack of sleep and the mania of greatness and delirium.
disorder is as psychotherapy , cognitive behavioral therapy such as treatment, noting that the treatment may require placement in a psychiatric clinic to avoid the serious consequences that may result from the turmoil of trying to self - harm And suicide.

13- Change the shape of the mole

The German Association of Dermatologists says that changes in the shape and color of the mole raise the alarm; As it threatens to develop skin cancer.

Association explained that a doctor should be consulted promptly in the event of note the following changes in the shape and color of the
- Asymmetry: Do not be a mole rounded shape.

Non-determination: the boundaries are unclear.
Color: The color is irregular.
Diameter: moles are unusually large.
prominence: mole felt.