The intermittent fasting diet is very popular today. This diet mainly depends on refraining from eating for certain hours of the day or for specific days of the week, and it appears in various forms and methods. Experts consider it effective in burning belly fat (rumen).

This diet is not a problem for most people, but children and pregnant women should not follow it.
Professor Andreas Michalsn, internal medicine specialist and therapeutic feeding German, the most common intermittent methods of fasting or the specified time of fasting diet is 16: 8 and 14: 10 and 5: 2.

Diet 16: 8 or 14:10

German dietician Antia Gall explained that this diet means that one does not eat anything but unsweetened water, tea or coffee within 16 or 14 hours, and in the remaining 8 or 10 hours he can eat normally.

The German expert
added ,
"There is a lot of general guidelines on the selection of foods, but you must follow a balanced diet and eat dinner early and breakfast late."

Diet 5: 2 or the two-day diet

this method of intermittent fasting diet, one eats normally for a period of five days, and it is fasting for two days. With regard to a two-day diet, one must fast for two consecutive days, and it is not permissible to eat more than 650 calories in each.

German nutrition expert Antia Gall explained that the 5: 2 diet does not require a continuation of fasting days, but there must be a steady rhythm for fasting days, such as fasting on Tuesday and Friday every week, and during these days it is permitted to eat 500 to 650 calories. Just. Professor Andreas
advises a
period of return on this diet extends from two to four weeks.

"At first one feels hungry, and that is completely normal, and after a period of habituation one can judge whether intermittent fasting is beneficial or not," Michelson added.

diet helps can not work, but nutrition expert Antilla Gal believes that intermittent fasting miracle does not happen with regard to weight loss, noting the effects of a minor on Body mass index, which describes the ratio between weight and height, and is one of the most accurate indicators of obesity or thinness.

Gall stressed the benefit of intermittent fasting in reducing unhealthy belly fat (rumen), adding, "When you follow strict diet regimens, the body loses weight from the lean mass of fat, which is muscle, and this loss is less when you follow the intermittent fasting diet." .

Gal noted that there are some clinical studies that have proven the effectiveness of this type of fasting for adults, but that most of the results emerged from studies conducted on animals.

Among the positive results are weight loss and improved metabolism in patients with type 2 diabetes, in addition to a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, improved brain function, blood pressure, blood lipid levels and fasting blood sugar.

Beyond the results of clinical studies, there are some criticisms of the diet for intermittent fasting, as the German nutrition expert explained that most intermittent fasting systems do not contain any recommendations or contain vague recommendations for choosing foods. She said
"If people do not know exactly how to eat better or control the quality of intake of foods and beverages, will disappear the enhanced effects of health and will not change eating habits is not appropriate."

Professor Andreas Michalsn believes the decline in cravings eating, regardless of the quality of the food you eat by the time, it is best to be a combination of a healthy diet and diet intermittent fasting.

Health risks

An intermittent fasting diet involves some health risks, as Anya Gal explained that low blood pressure and blood sugar can lead to a headache, and it is also important that at least 1.5 liters of water is drunk daily.
Does not
fit intermittent fasting diet for pregnant women, children and adolescents, also it applies to people who are suffering from eating disorders.

People with chronic diseases should also consult a doctor.

In general, Anya Gall argues that intermittent fasting diets are primarily appropriate for healthy people and can be easily incorporated into daily life.