Paris (AFP)

The president of the National Gathering Marine Le Pen on Tuesday described the European Union's recovery plan as "the worst deal for France in the history of the EU", the leader of the rebellious Jean-Luc Mélenchon deploring him that the President Emmanuel Macron has according to him "given up everything".

"#Macron has just signed the worst agreement for France in the history of the EU! To protect his ego, he sacrifices our future and our independence: European taxes, abandonment of our agriculture, colossal financial commitment of the country. . ", tweeted Ms. Le Pen, according to which" France will contribute to a fund of which it will lose the control of allocation "and" will contribute to a fund by being a deficit contributor ".

In a press release, the RN assures that while "a wave of bankruptcies and layoffs looms for the fall, France decides to mutilate itself financially to feed an ideological and anti-national vision of Europe called + European Union + ".

For his part Jean-Luc Mélenchon, number one of La France Insoumise, estimated on Twitter that "Macron has given in everything: contribution discounts to stingy countries, spending controls, the decrease in the amount of the recovery plan etc. Bérézina Help propaganda (...) The budget for the "Common" Agricultural Policy is in decline, especially the organic farming component ".

"France contributes 17% to the EU budget. It would receive 40 billion in subsidies. Except European taxes, it will have to repay ... 66 billion!", He adds, estimating that "Macron does not know how to negotiate" .

On the other hand, former President François Hollande hailed with this European plan "a major progress in solidarity between the 27". "The ability given to the Commission to raise a loan will provide the European Union with new resources which will accelerate the ecological transition", he noted in a press release.

But "the European Union in its current form does not allow us to go as far as the situation would require", considers the former head of state, who calls for "a Europe forward with a few countries around the Franco-German couple ".

Jean-Christophe Lagarde (UDI) also welcomed "very good news for the EU", noting that "for the first time, there is the acceptance of the fact that we can not only do business in common, we must also have common objectives ".

For the former Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin, "France and Germany together find the strength of the European awakening."

The boss of deputies LR Damien Abad invited for his part during a press point not to fall "into a kind of communication euphoria" on this agreement. He pointed out positive aspects but also "real questions", in particular on the consideration given to so-called "frugal" countries, or the question of financing the loan, subject to "general vagueness".

On behalf of the Communist deputies, Pierre Dharréville had for his part a judgment "quite severe", considering that the agreement, "largely dictated" by the frugal countries "to reduce the scope", amounted to "a deceptive solidarity, discount".

The president of Debout La France Nicolas Dupont-Aignan estimated that Emmanuel Macron was rolling "the French in the flour!". "He welcomes a European #PlanDeRelance which will cost our country double what it will bring in and which offers a budget reduction of € 1.9 billion in the Netherlands, from € 3.7 billion in Germany ... Delirious! "He tweeted.

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