Six out of 10 Americans polled President Donald Trump's Corona 19 Thatcher.

According to a poll conducted by Washington Post and ABC on 1,600 adults across the United States for three days from the 12th (range of error ±3.5%), only 38% of respondents voted for Trump's response to Corona19. The.

On the other hand, the response to opposing President Trump's response reached 60%, more than 45% in March and 53% in May.

In particular, 52% of respondents said they strongly opposed Trump's response.

In addition, more than six out of 10 respondents said they do not trust President Trump's comments about the outbreak of Corona19.

"President Trump has sent mixed messages throughout the Corona 19 pandemic and has often had conflicts with scientists and health officials within the administration," said the Washington Post.

(Photo = Getty Image Korea)