
"The social contradiction is rooted in the depths of the Arab young man, as he imitates the Western youth in Avanin Al-Gharam, but in marriage he wants to imitate his father, uncles and uncles, he is in his fines (without Guan), and in his marriage (Haji Alaiwi)."

Ali Al Wardi


You want my opinion?

I will tell you - I am the Arab husband - everything.

We, the Arab husbands and wives, love each other to the extent that we surround each other until he suffocates, and does not let him escape from observing him, this is not a matter of doubt, I ask forgiveness from God; On the contrary, our partner is very kind and we fear that the bad people will deceive him, so we make sure every small and large in his life, his phone, his papers, his clothes, his pockets, even his secret numbers that he enters into his various accounts we ask of him without shame, in short; All his own things.

We hate distances because we hate privacy, as if on the day of our marriage we gave it up completely, believing that marriage is that everything melts in everything, so there is nothing left for you to keep for yourself.

In our marital relationship we are like slaves, we are all owned by the other side.

We believe privacy is an area where mistakes and sins are committed. If you do not commit what is forbidden, then why do you want to hide it from your partner? Privacy and innocence in our country "Don't Mix".

We are in marriage like the state of Albania in the era of its leader Anwar Khoja, whose extremism is so radicalized until Russia boycotted the airstrip of communism accusing it of negligence. Yes, we, like Albania, reject any kind of private property, neither land ownership nor money Rather, ownership of the distance, ownership of breathing, ownership of privacy, that you have a space in which you are free, it is only you.

I will suffocate and suffocate me, even those thoughts that jump into your brain, I will do my best to discover her identity and track its effects, and where it came from; Of course, of your mother, or maybe your father, the truth is, I fear that you are a bad friend whom I have warned you a lot.

In our marital relationship we are like slaves, we are all owned by the other side.


Yes, I believe in friendship between a man and a woman, I am a modern, mature person, I have many friends, who call me and ask me about many things, give them advice, and discuss with them, I believe in friendship between men and women; But I do not believe in friendship between a man and my wife.

I am a very nice person, smiling to my neighbor when greeting, my nicest female co-workers, helping them whenever possible; But I don't know why I never accept this for my wife, I don't like to help her co-worker, nor to help her.

In our marital doctrine, we prepare the home like the world before the collapse of the Soviet Union, for the husband is a pole, and the wife is the other pole, and the conflict between them is paid by the smallest countries; Boys,


In our marital doctrine, we prepare the home like the world before the collapse of the Soviet Union, for the husband is a pole, and the wife is the other pole, and the conflict between them is paid by the smallest countries; The boys, not to mention the attempts to polarize, use the weapon of enticement and threat.

The house is a beautiful place for our dreams; But at the same time, it is the arena where we display some of our weapons that we cannot witness abroad, and it is the place where we try to prove what we failed to prove outside of it.


But the truth is said, we men believe in democracy and love freedom. Look at the detention centers. They are infested with thousands of like us men. We are paying a high price for this. But we do not really accept this principle in our homes.

I put the matter to the family to discuss freely the mechanisms of its implementation, not the matter in itself, the wife must obey me or else she is adulterous, the children obey me or else they are obstructed.

By God, how should I allow my son to discuss me with what I say, how can my words be criticized, how is my view not ideal, do you want to shake my image in front of my children?

Yes, I sometimes discover that my decision was wrong, and that what I ordered them was incorrect. But, of course, I cannot apologize. Have you seen in our Arab world a father or a mother apologizing to the sons for the wrong opinion, or for the punishment of what they deserved, or for the screams we cried out in their faces?

Then how do you ask me to teach them the idea of ​​freedom of choice, how do you basically call it a virtue, do you really want my son to choose his field of study, do you want my daughter to choose her husband? and what about me? What about my experience? Was all this thrown into the open sea, having them go through their own experiences and live their lives in their own way? How do you ask me to be an honest advisor, and not to be the ruler who orders and obeys?


Do you know what really troubles me? Monotony and boredom quickly creep into our married life.

My wife says she wants to spend a vacation away from home and from the family. She refused, of course, how do I take care of the kids in her absence? I take care of their cleanliness, eating them, their clothes, by God, what do the neighbors say about me in this case?

The idea that we both or one of us have a vacation on our own raises questions in our society. We live on the principle of 24-hour service, 7 days a year throughout; But throughout life, didn't I tell you before that we hate distances?

The truth is that we all wear masks, and in most cases, the pre-marriage mask is different from the post-marriage mask, and that what we claim before it is contradicted by it, and in this let the confessors admit.


I believe that each stage has its own characteristics, flowers and words of love before marriage, after marriage should focus on bills and how we pay them, on the problems of children in schools, on the involvement of parents in our lives, on improving job opportunities.

Imagine that there are those who claim that love is stronger and we are free. Imagine that there are those who ask the spouses to work hard so that their relationship remains as they were young young men, otherwise life becomes bleak, and marriage becomes a job .. a boring job, is it possible?

Imagine someone asking us to live life as an amateur rather than a professional; That is: not to take every order seriously, and not to exaggerate every problem that passes by us, to stop complaining, to enjoy as a hobbyist enjoys his hobby, and to accept each other’s faults before the merits.

The truth is that we all wear masks, and in most cases, the pre-marriage mask is different from the post-marriage mask, and that what we claim before it is contradicted by it, and in this let the confessors admit.