• Migrants. Lamorgese: "Strengthened commitment against migrant smuggling"
  • Migrants, Santelli: "The Calabrians who protest are right"
  • Migrants protest in Calabria over the arrival of 13 positive Pakistani in Covid
  • Migrants, Lampedusa hot spots on tilt: over 700 refugees
  • Migrants. Ionian Sea crew in quarantine, 8 positives


July 14, 2020 After Calabria, where the situation is now relatively calm, tension rises in Sicily. 11 migrants tested positive for Coronavirus after the swab test conducted by the health staff of the Asp of Ragusa. This is the group of over 60 Asians who landed yesterday in Pozzallo, in the Ragusano area. The positive immigrants, all asymptomatic, have already been isolated at a facility identified by the prefecture of Ragusa. Asp doctors and health professionals first performed serological tests on the whole group, identifying 19 positive subjects, on which they then proceeded with the swab which confirmed the positivity for 11 of them.

Musumeci: "They are playing with fire. Today I sign an ordinance"
"Eleven positives among the 66 landed yesterday in Pozzallo. They are of Pakistani nationality. Obviously the Region after having carried out the serological test on all migrants, has tested the cases with a swab of positivity detected by the presence of antibodies. A disheartening picture continues to emerge in which the silence of the Ministry of the Interior stands ". This was stated by the president of the Sicilian Region, Nello Musumeci. "This requires me to adopt an ordinance during the day. Needless to say, if a quarantine ship had been identified off the coast of Pozzallo - as in vain we have been requesting for weeks - these people would never have landed until full-blown negativity. They are playing with fire ".

Eleven positives to the #Coronavirus among the 66 landed yesterday in #Pozzallo. I am of Pakistani nationality. They are playing with fire! [...] https://t.co/OBLIallnEv#Sicilia #Italy #governoMusumeci #migrants @Viminale pic.twitter.com/ChHwU2vuXE

- In Musumeci (@Musumeci_Staff) July 14, 2020
Paw: "The boats must be intercepted"
Alarms the news of landings of positive migrants in Covid-19. "I had feared worse. Now there is a buffer for everyone and we are preparing targeted guidelines". Undersecretary for Health Sandra Zampa said this, speaking this morning on 'Radio me too' on Rai Radio 1. "The real danger is from what you don't see, the boats must be intercepted", he stressed.

Ammatuna: "Worried, a new clinical path will be made official"
"I am quite worried. What I will ask very firmly from the minister and the Interior Ministry's bureaucracy is that it is possible to formalize a clinical path, a new procedure, which takes into account this new immigration Asian, which is perhaps the most dangerous. " This was said by the mayor of Pozzallo, Roberto Ammatuna this morning on "Radio1 Giorno per Giorno", which was received at the Interior Ministry this morning.

"It is more dangerous, not for public order, but from the health point of view. What I ask the minister is that this clinical procedure, this clinical path that includes swabs already on ships, can be made official not within a few weeks but within a few days. "

Regarding the possible solution of a ship for quarantine, Mayor Ammatuna added: "This is a solution, there could be others. For example, that of dedicated structures as has been done in these three months of lockdown in Italy". As for the issue of social tensions and episodes of intolerance, the mayor found that "there have never been in my city. The danger of contagion, however, is great in a city like that of Pozzallo with 20 thousand inhabitants. A border town that has dealt rigorously with the lockdown problem with discipline, and has dealt with it well and does not want to run the risk of external infections. I believe that all this can be avoided. At the moment we have almost 200 immigrants in our hotspot. immigrants who landed yesterday were taken to a reception facility between Ragusa and Comiso, a few kilometers from Pozzallo. We await the outcome of these tampons with apprehension ". 

Santelli: "It was managed as a normal landing, but we are in the Covid phase"
In Calabria, meanwhile, after finding positive migrants to Covid-19, we are awaiting the arrival of a ship for quarantine after the Governor's tough stance of the region that threatened: "Naval blockades". "I asked the ships in the ports, where they can take these people and do all the checks and health surveillance. It is not a matter of discrimination or immigration. We are talking about Covid. It is something else. I ask for the ships and that the Europe defends its southern borders "explains Jole Santelli on Rai Radio1 within the In Vivavoce program. When asked if she expected a ship to arrive in the next few hours, Governor Santelli replied: "I hope so, I have no official name". And then again: "In the management of these things, at least these days, it has acted as if it were a normal landing of migrants. While we are in the Covid phase and things change considerably".

Brugnano: "Management of landings unsustainable even for police forces"
"The management of landings of migrants in Calabria has also become unsustainable for the Police Forces. After the landing of Roccella Jonica, 25 colleagues from the Commissariat of Siderno and the Police Headquarters of Reggio Calabria in quarantine and to them other exponents of the police are added. We cannot be paying such a high price ". This was stated by the national secretary of the Trade Union Federation of Police, Giuseppe Brugnano. "We have the impression that the national government is not fully aware of the excessive exposure to which the members of the police force are forced.