<Oh! Click> The last search term is'Bar with Electric Fence'.

It is a famous British pub.

However,'electric fence' appeared here.

In front of the sales stand, there is an actual electric wire and a warning sign attached to it.

President Johnny McFadden says it is because of the social distance caused by Corona19.

It is said that they took special measures called electric fence because no matter how much they told them to keep their social distance.

The effect appeared immediately.

Originally, drunken customers kept in close contact with the sales counters and continually joked with the staff, but now they say they just stand at a distance and say something.

President McFadden says the electricity is usually turned off for the sake of the safety of the guests, but there are times when it is actually turned on, and some of the guests have been shocked.

The netizens said, "You were more afraid of electric shock than infection. Let's listen!" "It must be about the strength of a lie detector? Haha I want to use it someday!!"

(Source: cornwalllive.com)