“Korea New Deal” announces new economic measures Korean President July 14, 19:34

Amid the ongoing impact of the spread of the new coronavirus, South Korean President Moon Jae-in (Wen Jin Tao) announced new economic measures focusing on the digital and environmental fields. The plan, named the “Korean New Deal,” emphasized that it will create 1.9 million jobs by 2025 and reduce its economic impact.

South Korean President Moon Jae-in gave a speech at the Cheong Wa Dae on the afternoon of the 14th, and announced a new economic measure called the “Korea New Deal”.

Among these, 28 projects have been proposed centering on the fields of digital and environment, including the creation of a mechanism that utilizes big data and the promotion of digitalization in all fields such as medical care and education. ..

By 2025, the government, local governments, and the private sector will make a total investment of 160 trillion won, or more than 14 trillion yen in Japanese yen, to create 1.9 million jobs for the implementation of the plan. I will.

President Moon said, “Because the world has changed drastically before and after the virus, we must actively respond to this change. I want to not only overcome the crisis but also make an opportunity to make a leap.” He stressed that it would limit the impact and lead to development.

President Moon's approval rating exceeded 70% in early May due to the evaluation of infection control, but it fell to 47% in a poll released last week, falling below 50% for the first time in almost four months. There are also complaints about the economic downturn.