Between Thursday and Sunday last week, police in Kalmar County conducted a combined effort and training on drug crime in Kalmar and Öland. Every day, about ten police aspirants also participated in the operation.

- It is part of their education and a good opportunity for the aspirants to test what they have learned in practice, says Patrik Dahlberg and continues:

- The main purpose was that the aspirants should be able to see signs that a person is affected by drugs in public places.

Found theft

The effort led to around 30 people being taken care of and visited.

- The effort must be seen as successful. But we would rather have seen that there were no drug-affected young people in the community at all, says Patrik Dahlberg.

The incident also led to the police conducting a house search against a couple - a man and a woman in their 40s. In the home, the police find several things they suspect are stolen. The police also find doping-classified drugs.

The couple was arrested and arrested, but released on Sunday. However, the suspicions that include theft, drug offenses and doping offenses remain.

- They are released, but still suspect, says Patrik Dahlberg.