Leading people with attractive personality or "charisma" have a strong presence wherever they are, and have the ability to influence others, and know how to lead a group, whether in the field of work, friendship or others. They may impress others with their social intelligence, but the beautiful thing is that these characteristics are not necessarily something we are born with, but rather a skill that can be acquired.

A study published in "The Journal of Personality and Social Psychology" found that charisma has 6 marks, 3 of which relate to helping others feel comfortable, and 3 relate to personal attendance.

Commenting on this study, author Dr. Nick Morgan says, in his article on "Psychologytoday" that "it is good to remember that charisma is ultimately in the eye of the beholder, and without an audience he will remain the most attractive person in the world He looks at himself in the mirror, so the charismatic person is distinguished mainly by his concern for others and giving them the opportunity to cheer, express themselves and help them. "

According to Morgan, we must focus on the first three attributes of making others feel comfortable, because they are things that we may be able to work on and change, namely:

First, attractive people help others, while everyone thinks that an attractive personality focuses on the role of the hero and what the hero plays, here they are tender and cooperative with others.

Secondly, smiling at people a lot, as a lot of research indicates that smiling makes you more attractive, and makes you smile to him interested in you, so smiling will help you to build your own charisma, in addition to that smiling makes others feel more comfortable, which supports the characteristic Previous.

Third, focus on listening to others more and looking for the good in any person you speak to, in order to enhance communication and harmony easily, and then refine the ability to speak and interact with others.

Attractors don't feel nervous while talking to others (Bixaby)

Attributes you can acquire

In an article entitled "10 Ways to Become an Attractive Person", the American site Succes.com offers some other characteristics of becoming a charismatic character, from which we chose the following:

Managing your nerves: When the attractors speak, we notice that they don't feel stressed. It is true that controlling nerves is not an easy process, but with some practical advice and steps you can do this.

Make your conversations relevant: the people you talk to, and try to find common ground with everyone you speak to by asking the right kind of questions, and using the stories that put you in as a simple person that others can see themselves in.

Choose the correct topic you are talking about: When you think something is boring, do not talk about it in front of others. Instead, talk about your passion and the challenge that keeps you awake at night, the people you care about, and how you want to influence the world and make it a better place. These topics give you energy and give hope to others and make them love you.

Give more than you take: People of leadership and charisma enhance and enrich the lives of those around them. When you make a real offer to help someone else, he will be grateful to you, so make more than you take and you will be on your way to becoming an attractive character.

Sense of Humor: If you have the ability to make others laugh, then you are on your way to being an attractive person, as they - attractive and funny - go hand in hand.

Adapting to different situations: You have the ability to adapt to any particular situation or environment, and the ability to ask questions when you do not understand something, as people are usually happy to explain their experiences to others.

Remember the names of others: As Del Carnegie said before, "A person's name is the sweetest voice in the world for this person," whether at work or outside, make an effort to remember the names of those I have met. Remembering someone's name can grab his attention in an instant, make him feel important and help you become more loved.

Ask more questions: Because people love to talk about themselves. Therefore, give them the opportunity to do so by asking more questions and giving them the opportunity to express what they have in mind.

Make the other person feel that he is the only person that interests you at that moment (networking sites)

Be positive and sympathetic

In another article on the American Inc site, human development coach Marla Tabaka emphasizes some of the other attributes that must be improved in case you want to be a charismatic figure, namely:

Empathy : It is a quality that people admire in the leadership person, and it appears in your interest in people, and in visual communication with them, as it appears through your other notice that he is the only person who interests you at that moment.

Maintaining a positive outlook : Successful people are not accustomed to thinking about negatives, they are looking for positivity in all things, so avoid indulging in dialogues about the looming crises that many expect, but rather turn the conversation towards positive and upscale stories and ideas.

General Knowledge: He who has quick answers to questions of general knowledge is often a fast, funny and attractive person. Intuition is a strong contributor to making charisma.

Be confident and monitor your body language well: your body language and facial expressions have a positive effect on your behavior, so pay attention to it, such as standing tall and raising your head, and walking with pride.