Fontainebleau (France) (AFP)

The newly elected environmental mayors at the head of several French metropolises will be "partners" of the government, like all the elected officials who will wear green policies, assured the new Environment Minister Barbara Pompili on Saturday.

"On a subject as important as this, we must be united, we must work together," she pleaded to the press on the occasion of her first field trip, in the Fontainebleau forest.

"All the mayors who want to develop ecological policies, all the mayors who want us to help them, I will be by their side (...) and of course, therefore, the mayors who carry this label (ecologist, editor's note) will be partners like all mayors who do not wear it but who want to conduct green policies ", said the one who was a member of the EELV before joining LREM.

Wishing "that ecology is everyone's business", Barbara Pompili cited the "very good example" of the Citizen Convention on Climate (CCC): "They were citizens who, at the beginning, did not have of particular sensitivity on these subjects, who agreed to work (...) and after nine months, they made proposals which were even more green than many green proposals ".

As for the future of the 146 measures adopted by Emmanuel Macron out of the 149 proposed by this Convention, the Minister refused any "trial of intention".

"We are setting up working groups with citizens and representatives of Parliament, (...) there is going to be a law on the legislative measures proposed by the Citizen's Climate Convention. This law, we are going to do it in cooperation with them and you will see the result. After that, there will be regulatory measures announced soon enough and measures for communities, "she said.

Finally, Emmanuel Macron's fourth Minister of the Environment has promised to succeed in making the "ministry of the impossible", the nickname generally given to this portfolio, that of "the possible".

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