China News Service, July 10, according to the US "World Daily" report, the US Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) announced on the 6th, if only take long-distance online courses, international students must leave the country to meet visa status. Stanford University President Marc Tessier-Lavigne pointed out that the school is still working hard to collect relevant information and is committed to helping international students stay in the country. At present, the school has not yet proposed a specific plan. However, some students have initiated a joint signing to require the school to provide three-quarters of physical courses, and more than 3,000 people have participated.

  Lavin pointed out that the school is still working hard to collect more information, and will also cooperate with other universities and national associations to understand how to respond to the new regulations, and will also urge the federal government to reconsider the new regulations.

  However, some students have started to sign up to require schools to ensure that international students can participate in at least three-quarters of physical courses. The contents of the joint book mentioned that ICE's strict and unwelcome policy for international students is equivalent to attacking outstanding international students and scholars on campus. This policy also hurts the entire Stanford campus.

  The joint letter requires that if Stanford University still adopts the online class mode in the next semester, at least some physical courses will be offered for international students so that international students can obtain visa qualifications. The students asked Stanford University to cooperate with ICE so that those international students who can't return to campus immediately can still maintain their visa status.

  The joint book mentioned that as an international student, you can see that Stanford University can take the correct measures to help the international community when facing the crisis of the new coronary pneumonia epidemic and the government’s xenophobia. Caring for and helping international students.

  At present, the joint signature has accumulated more than 3,000 signature support. The Stanford University Student Union issued a statement stating that in support of the International Student Union Book, international students are our friends and important members of our campus.

  Shalini Bhutani, executive director of Bechtel International Center at Stanford University, said that the focus now is to analyze the guidelines of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to help provide students with more accurate and real-time information. The International Center will strive to To support international students on campus. (Jiang Shuohan)