The married couple is convicted of a series of serious crimes. The man is sentenced to eight years in prison and the woman to two years and six months in prison. The man is convicted, among other things, of rape against children, sexually abusive and serious child pornography crime and the woman for serious child pornography crime and sexual assault.

The verdict states that the parents have for several years exposed their daughter to serious crimes. Among other things, the man is convicted of gross rape against his daughter, who at the time was 13 years old. In the judgment it appears that at one point he tied her daughter and forced her to wear robber's hat.

Exposed several young girls to sex crimes

Among the technical evidence are phones and computers seized. In a phone call, the man has said, among other things, that he should kill his daughter and call her "naughty kid".

The couple is also convicted of having exposed several other children in their vicinity to sexual offenses. In total, there are four young girls who have been exposed and most of the crimes should have occurred in the couple's joint apartment.