The excellent team on the training ground, but because of an accidental break of the track of the artillery on the drill ground-

Make a question mark on the usual "excellent" standard

  "Crawler disconnection: XX seconds!" After a day of training, Cheng Xiong, the driver of the second company of the artillery battalion of an artillery battalion of the 82nd Group Army, entered the company's honor room. This was the 12th time that his team broke the training limit. In the company’s record-breaking notebook, the duration of the “Crawler Disconnect” lessened by 1 second or even 0.1 seconds each time, but every time it was refreshed, it took the company’s officers and soldiers to survive on the battlefield. Thinking.

  In May last year, a brigade organized by the brigade started in a training ground. Cheng Xiong was driving the first car to guide the whole company on a mountain path. Suddenly, a small ridge appeared on the road ahead, and the moment when the artillery truck swelled to the ground occurred unexpectedly: the track broke after hitting the hard rock on the ground, the artillery truck lay down, and the subsequent convoy stalled.

  Prepare tools, open fenders, insert crawler pins, adjust crawlers... The crew members are skillfully organizing and replacing broken crawlers in accordance with routine operations. But just one minute after the time passed, the "enemy" had reconnaissance and calculated the position of the company and carried out precise strikes. According to the on-site judgment of the guidance team, the battle loss rate of the all-artillery was as high as 75%, and it was required to withdraw from the drill.

  Looking at the black smoke rising from the laser engagement system, Cheng Xiong's heart was mixed. It should be known that the team he leads usually completes the course of "Crawler Disconnection". According to the new outline, this score is a high standard of "excellent". He has also represented the company on many occasions to participate in competitions at all levels. Unexpectedly, this time it was actually putting a heel on the "battlefield".

  After the exercise, the battalion organized officers and soldiers to review and reflect on the defeat. Cheng Xiong took the lead in speaking: "Normally, we only stare at the excellent standards of assessment for training. We feel almost the same when we reach "excellent", and even feel complacent. But we can really face it When I was an opponent, I found that the'excellent' on the training ground was not enough."

  The rehearsal of the exercise triggered a mass discussion in the battalion on training standards and battlefield survival. Officers and soldiers conducted a profound reflection and analysis to find the weak links in training.

  "What we are after is not just "excellent" on the training ground, but should be on the battlefield, and every subject should be practiced to the extreme." During the discussion, the understanding of the officers and soldiers of the whole battalion was deepened once again. Zhong called “Pursue Excellence, Challenge Limits”, and extensively set training record-breaking activities.

  On the training ground, the team led by Cheng Xiong gathered intelligence, refined each person's movements, arranged each component reasonably and standardizedly, carefully selected each team member's connection every second, and refreshed more than once Records of training courses. At the end of last year, Cheng Xiong’s artillery squad participated in the Army’s Artillery Martial Art-2019 contest. The “Crawler Disconnect” course took only ×× seconds to win the first place in the artillery squad.

  Li Guochen