Actually, they would have spent the summer in some of the world's most alpine areas. Emma Svensson would have traveled to Nepal and then to the Alps. Anton Levein would have started the summer in Russia and he too would have continued to the Alps.

The pandemic forced them to "homestead"

But because, like so many others, it was a holiday in Sweden, insofar as you can consider their adventures as holidays. Challenges proved to be plenty in the Swedish mountains as well.

- These are loose stones and narrow mountain ridges. You have to climb down the cliff to get to the next peak, says Anton Levein.

In the clip you see their own spectacular pictures from the top climbs that they have already been able to do in Sarek. There, the seven of Sweden's twelve peaks climbed over 2000 meters in eight days. And this in one of the snowiest mountain seasons in many years.

Five peaks remain in the Kiruna mountains

Now prepare to climb Kebnekaise's two peaks as well as the three remaining peaks in the Tarfala area.