Certain populations must pay attention to the practice of sex, which is a physical activity like any other, with its more intense efforts than at rest. But overall, having sex is good for the heart, says doctor Damien Mascret on Europe 1, Thursday.

Is there a risk of having a heart attack during love? What are the efforts of standard sex and extramarital intercourse? Which populations should pay particular attention to this practice? In the program Sans Rendez-vous on Europe 1, Thursday, the doctor and columnist Damien Mascret analyzes the impact of sex on the heart.

What are the risks of a heart attack?

"Sex is a physical activity and like any physical activity, it slightly increases the risk of infarction. It is considered that you are going to have a risk which will be increased to pass to 0,2% of risk. These are statistics made in Europe.

In Japan, by studying 5,500 autopsies after sudden deaths, the authorities observed that there were only about thirty that occurred during a sexual act. It should be noted that these sexual acts very often took place with extramarital partners. Nine times out of ten, they were men who had a mistress and who, at that time, had these sudden deaths. Why do extramarital relationships seem to present more risks? There are stress hormones that increase the risk of heart rhythm problems. And then, on the other hand, we also have an intensity of effort which can be a little more intense. 

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What energy expenditure?

French cardiologists tell us that sexual intercourse is equivalent to climbing two floors at a good pace. But it's more if you are on an extramarital affair. It is true that the heart rate will accelerate, the pulse will beat to 130, the tension will increase a little and can even go up to 17, or even more, at the time of pleasure.

There is a particular effort for the cardiovascular system, but that is exactly what we are looking for. It is for this reason that cardiologists recommend sexual activity. Because even if it temporarily increases the risk of a heart attack, like any physical activity, there is a reduced risk of having cardiovascular accidents. So be physically active outside of bed and in bed, as the risks are limited. 

Which populations at risk?

There are populations who must be careful. It is not dangerous for those with stabilized cardiovascular problems. If you have cardiovascular difficulties that are not stabilized, hypertension that is not well controlled, arrhythmias that are poorly controlled, you should be careful. If you have had a heart attack and your functional assessment is good a week later, it is considered that you can resume sexual activity. It is perfectly possible, being careful.

The age at which you have a heart attack is often the age at which you sometimes need to use erection medication. These pills are contraindicated in the six weeks following the infarction. It will therefore be necessary to wait a little bit. In general, we never take and stop cardiovascular treatment without the doctor's advice. He is perfectly capable of answering you, including in terms of sexuality. It's part of overall health. "