US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper has bound North Korea and Iran together as "bad nations," emphasizing their deterrence.

"In addition to the achievements of the national defense strategy, we have also responded to countless international events over the past year," said Minister Esper in a video message sent to the military to encourage efforts to achieve the goals of the national defense strategy in the first year of inauguration. Listed the accomplishments of the Ministry of Defense, including conducting and supporting anti-terrorism operations that eliminated key terrorists, repelling ISIS, and navigating the Persian Gulf and the South China Sea and protecting commercial freedom.

He said, "We have been deterring aggressive activities carried out by rogue states such as North Korea and Iran as well as China and Russia, which are similar classes."

In February, Mr. Esper referred to North Korea as a'poor country' through a keynote speech on defense strategy and a speech at the Munich Security Conference hosted by Johns Hopkins University Graduate School of International Relations.

Mr. Esper's comments were coincidentally as US Secretary of State Steve Vaughan and Special Representative North Korea addressed the schedule.

It is also interpreted that the'poor state' is an expression that North Korea has been strongly opposed to, so there is also a dimension of sending messages to North Korea.

In a joint statement that the United States Department of Defense announced today on the results of videoconferences between the United States, Japan, and Australia's three defense ministers, the DPRK achieved a complete, verifiable and irreversible revocation of the full range of WMD and ballistic missile programs, or CVID. It urged us to take clear steps to do so and return to the negotiation table.

It seems unusual for the CVID to be'summoned' again in official US official data.

After the June 12, 2018 North American Summit in Singapore, the US administration used the expression FFVD instead of the final and fully verified denuclearization for a time, as North Korea expressed extreme disapproval of the CVID as'a phrase to appear in the surrender document'. Even this has been restrained.

However, in this statement, the word'dismantlement', which means'disposal', instead of'denuclearization', which is usually used when referring to'complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization', is included.

Earlier, the State Department reiterated the expression FFVD to North Korea by announcing the schedule of visits by the Secretary of State to Korea on the 7th to 10th days in a press release on the 6th, and US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told the same day that the British government We have also publicly expressed our welcome position on sanctions against individuals and organizations that have committed human rights abuses, including related organizations.

It appears that the pressure of warning and warning is being carried out while reaffirming the willingness to resume talks with North Korea through the visit of the vegan minister.

(Photo = Getty Image Korea)