Xi's visit to Japan: The LDP amends the wording and makes a “request to cancel” decision. July 7 16:12

In response to the enforcement of the Hong Kong National Security Preservation Law, the Liberal Democratic Party for a visit to Japan as a state guest of Xi Jinping Jintao of China, a resolution to modify the original wording and "not forced to request a stop as diplomatic Subcommittee" Officially summarized.

In response to the anti-government specific clamp down on movement in China of Hong Kong National Security Preservation Law in Hong Kong has been enforced, the Board of Directors of the diplomatic committee of the Liberal Democratic Party, last week, to stop the visit to Japan as a state guest of Xi Jinping Jintao, We have compiled a resolution requesting the government as a party.

However, some members of the party said that they should be cautious about including words that would break the Sino-Japanese relations that have been built through years of efforts, etc.

For this reason, at the Political Consultative Council on the 7th, it was decided to keep the expression that "the party's foreign affairs subcommittee / foreign affairs investigation committee must request cancellation of Presidential State guest visit to Japan", as well as friendly relations with China It was decided that they would also need to work towards the build.

The LDP will soon submit a resolution to the government.

At the press conference, Acting Secretary-General Inada of the Liberal Democratic Party said, "It was nice that the expression was slightly changed and the resolution was put together, despite the various opinions within the party. The state leaders met directly. The opportunity to say what you should say is very important."

Yoko House of Councilors secretary general of the Liberal Democratic Party, at a press conference, "the environment has changed significantly. In particular, the Chinese in Hong Kong corresponding mean was an international promise that one country, two systems to protect, the Xi Jinping Jintao, the open arms It's a fact that the atmosphere isn't welcoming, and it
was appropriate to put together a resolution at this point."

At the press conference, the secretary-general of the Liberal Democratic Party's second floor said, "The predecessors had a great deal of difficulty getting Japan-China relations to reach this point. Diplomacy is about being with someone, not that easy."

Yamaguchi representative of New Komeito, told reporters, Japan visit as a state guest of the "China's Xi Jinping Jintao, piled the leaders come and go during the day, is a part of the flow which it will strengthen the relationship, continue to promote Right now, both countries are working hard to deal with the new coronavirus, so we are not in a situation where we can adjust the specific dates, but we should strive to make it possible to continue visiting Japan."