
July 07, 2020 "We continue the strategy regarding Cloud infrastructures, that is, the infrastructures that manage data within our country. We have inserted a rule to rationalize the infrastructures that manage Data Centers within our country". The Minister of Innovation, Paola Pisano, said it during a press conference at Palazzo Chigi after the go-ahead to the Simplifications Decree.

The minister explained that to date there are "11,000 Data Centers for 23,000 public administrations, this means an increase in costs but above all it means that the public administration must dedicate itself to manage the Data Centers and its principal must not be dedicated to its principal activities than that of giving an efficient Service to our citizens ".

According to the minister, "having a national cloud to manage strategic services and strategic data within our territory means preserving security, preserving privacy and increasing the skills of our country. A country is not free if it is not a country that manages these three variables. "

From February all digital services on the IO app
"From February 28 all citizens will be able to access all digital services through spid, digital identity, or electronic identity card, through a single 'IO' application". So Paola Pisano, in the press conference on the simplification dl, speaking of the "simplification of citizens' lives. Nobody will be left behind. All digital services must be made accessible to all people with disabilities", he also underlined.