Illustration of a cat with a black and white coat - Manja Vitolic / Unsplash

A cat riddled with lead, another killed and mutilated with a collar, a dog beaten with kicks and iron bars, horses found dead, with their ears cut off ... These are some cruel acts, among others, revealed by the press since the beginning of the year.

Listed cases of animal abuse are on the rise, according to a study by the National Observatory on Delinquency and Criminal Responses (ONDRP). And there is the same increase for the abandonment of animals, a phenomenon accentuated with the start of summer holidays. Thibaut Chevillard, journalist at the police-justice service of 20 Minutes , returns and details these figures in our episode of Minute Papillon!, The news podcast.

Young men acting in summer

According to this study published Thursday, between 2016 and 2018, 4,401 people were involved in cases of mistreatment and abandonment of a pet. A figure that increased by 29% during this period.

The authors are essentially adult men, unemployed, who act in the summer. 858 people were convicted of acts of cruelty to a pet between 2007 and 2017. The number of convictions increased by 57% over this period.

To listen to this episode with our journalist Thibaut Chevillard, it's as simple as a click in the audio player above.

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Picardy: What is the matter of horses found dead with a severed ear?

  • Wait a minute
  • 20 Minutes Podcast
  • Surrender
  • Abuse
  • Animals
  • Animal cruelty
  • Podcast