At 1 p.m., in “La France bouge”, Raphaëlle Duchemin and the editorial staff of Europe 1 tour France with positive and innovative initiatives. Work, education, health… they work across the country to move the lines and break the codes: who are these citizens, these companies, these communities who are committed and invent the world of tomorrow? Inspirational portraits and testimonies.

- PART 1: The France Bouge trophies

Coach: Sylvain Lambert

La France Bouge Académie (A pitcher startup that launched during the crisis): Olivier Hubry , founder of Bleeker, the application that lets you discover a product with a passionate user who already has it

Sophie Eychenne's solution: Raphael Leprette , CEO of Money Walkie Electronic wallet for children that can be recharged via an app by parents

- PART 2: Today's file 

The rise of barter in the face of the crisis:

Samuel Cohen co-founder of the cooperative

France Barter , inter-company exchange solution 

Luc Page , co-founder of the Lepotiron fruit and vegetable barter site

Floriane Addad co-founder of, bartering platform for online goods and services