Stroke is a medical emergency that urgently requires medical intervention to save life and prevent possible serious complications.

German neurologist Thomas Kloss said that a stroke occurs when blood flow to one part of the brain stops or hinders severely, which deprives brain tissue of the necessary oxygen, and then brain cells die within a few minutes. Clos
After a few minutes, a neurological damage that cannot usually be treated occurs.
He said
that the close stroke affects mostly older, but basically everyone can catch a stroke starting from infants to the elderly.

More vulnerable

The groups most at risk of stroke include smokers, obese people, high blood pressure or diabetes.
his part, Professor Klaus Martin Muth, head of the Department of Emergency Medicine stressed the University Hospital of Ulm , Germany, on the need for the patient went to the hospital as soon as possible, which does not happen often, where the patient moves late due to the delay Note Symptoms or misinterpretation.


The symptoms of a stroke are:

  • Manifestations of paralysis, such as prolonged angle of mouth, inability to raise arms and imbalance while walking.
  • Speech disorders such as blurring of voice and difficulty speaking speech.
  • Vision disturbances such as blurred vision.
  • Difficulty swallowing, severe headache, dizziness and vomiting.

Quick help

And when these symptoms are observed, medical help must be urgently requested, as every minute has its price, in order to avoid severe consequences such as paralysis, delayed mental capabilities, and death in the worst case.

Until the ambulance arrives, attendees must provide first aid. If the person is conscious, he should sit a little high and not be left alone, and if he is not breathing, then CPR must begin immediately.