Al-Jazeera Net - Erbil

The Kisnazi ​​method is one of the Sufi religious sects in Iraq, its president is a Kurd called Muhammad al-Muhammad Abd al-Karim al-Kisnazi ​​al-Husayni, and its name is the al-Qari al-Qadisiyya al-Kisnāziyya method.

The name
Kasanzan is a Kurdish word meaning "nobody knows about it". It was called as the title of Sheikh Muhammad’s family after their first grandfather Abdel Karim called it because of his four-year hiatus from people dying in a mountain in Qirdagh, on the outskirts of the city of Sulaymaniyah. When he was asked about him, he answered (Kasnzan) . After his return, the title was given to the people’s tongues and a knowledge of this method, which was adopted by her sheikh, Abd al-Karim, and his children and grandchildren after him.

As for the clan to which Sheikh Muhammad al-Kasanzan belongs, he is the Barzanjeh, and the supreme father is Sheikh Isa al-Barzanji, the first to reside in Barzanja in northern Iraq.

Sheikh of the method Muhammad Al-Kisnazani (networking sites)

Kesanziyya spread in the nineties of the last century in Iraq under the rule of the late President Saddam Hussein, which was confirmed by the expert in the call and rhetoric at the College of Grand Imam Sheikh Louay al-Salmani, saying that its spread was covered by Izzat al-Douri, Vice President of the Republic at the time, who attended some episodes of the dhikr and persevered in their support For long periods.

Al-Salmani continued his speech that after 2003, with the American invasion, the Islamic call for mosques became active, and awareness-raising and warning against fictional mysticism began in this way from some opponents of it, especially the Salafists, which negatively affected Kinsanism and led to its scaling up, and this was helped by the society's denial of illogical behavior and statements. Such as inviting them to their followers not to attend Friday prayers and groups in mosques, shaving beards, prolonging the hair of the head, avoiding resistance to the occupier, going to the hospices (places where they worship instead of mosques), darsha, beating with daggers, and eating glass, which significantly reduced their turnout until their presence became insignificant compared to the above.

What the Kisangans thinks is supernatural and dignity that their opponents consider in order from the devil (communication sites)

The paranormal
process of hitting with the darbashha - which is the sharp tool used by those who want this method to hit limited places on the body without feeling pain or complications from the wound - is one of the most prominent customs and rituals of Kisanazi, which in their view is a miracle and as a dignity, but opponents consider it - according to the academic and professor of interpretation at the Iraqi University in Baghdad Dr.. Abdullah Al-Haiti - a lure of Satan, according to most scholars agreed in the Islamic nation. Darbasha includes many activities, the most famous of which are:

  • Insertion of sharp objects such as skewers and swords in different areas of the body, such as cheeks, tongue and abdomen.
  • Stitches inserted into different sides of the skull.
  • Chew and swallow razors and cut broken glass.
  • Exposing the tongue and hands to fire, snake bites, and electric current.

According to the Encyclopedia of Al-Kisanan - in what the people of Sufism and Al-Irfan have termed it, the murids and the practitioners of these rituals do not exceed the pain of their needle prick while carrying out these activities, and they can repeat them repeatedly and the wounds do not get bleeding or inflammation as it is a dignity assigned to them by God, while the opponents are a demonic lure.

Al-Dhafiri considered that Kinsanism deviated a lot, so heresies, delusions, and superstitions entered it (communication sites)

The deviation
of the customs we see among the disciples of the Kisnazi ​​method was not mentioned in the first books of Sufism, which distinguished its men with asceticism from the adornment of the world and humility, and following the dhikr mentioned in the hadiths such as al-Junaid al-Baghdadi, Ibrahim bin Adham, Bashr al-Hafi and al-Kilani.

In an interview with Al-Jazeera Net, Sheikh Farooq Al-Dhafiri, a member of the Shura of the Association of Sunnis and the Community in Iraq, considered that the Kisnazi ​​method deviated with the passage of time, and changed its conditions and turned into various ways entered by heresies and delusions and superstitions in the dhikr and wards and the way to apply them.

Sheikh Al-Dhafiri added that the shadows reached many followers of this method to adopt the deviant views of unity of existence, and exaggeration in sanctifying the Sheikh of the method, such as bowing in front of him and walking back when leaving his council, in addition to the distance from the legal knowledge, and for this what we see today from most of the claimants of Sufism has no relationship He has those who claim affiliation with them, but rather are methods based on innovation.

The Kisanazi rituals, according to Sheikh Al-Haiti, offended the image of Islam in the West (communication sites)

The alienation of the
practices of the Kassanidian slavery is an anomaly from what is customary from other methods of Sufism, not to mention its rejection by the Salafists, according to Al-Haiti, considering that the rituals in the Kisaniyya, specifically the beating with sharp machines "Darbasha", offended the image of Islam in the West and in front of all other religions in the world, Islam has portrayed that it One of the advocates of harming and mutilating the body, and it was a reason to alienate some of the true religion because of its traditions that are not related to Islam.

Al-Haiti added that Kisnaziye was scarred by the mistake of many of its followers, even because of its founding in Britain many decades ago and the entry of symbols of them, including politics, and he is not familiar with the rest of the mystical methods that are characterized by their complete deviation from politics. Nehru Muhammad Abdul-Karim (son of the chief of the Kisnazi ​​method) entered politics and became Member of Parliament and Secretary-General of the "National Unity" grouping and head of the "National Unity" coalition.

Nehru al-Kisanani publicly admits his political views, and calls for an American military confrontation against Iran, which is another reason that has limited the way’s aspirants and new affiliation to it.

Death and succession
The advisor of the Kadriya al-Qasariyya al-Qisraniyya died last Saturday at the age of 82, after deteriorating health in early February, and was subsequently transferred to treatment in the United States.

According to Sheikh Marf Barzanji (one of those close to the late one), he is awaiting the return of the body of the deceased by a private plane to the Kurdistan region.

Marf added that the Sheikh had recommended 25 years ago that he succeed his son Sheikh Nehru.