French police discovered eleven migrants in an Italian truck in La Seyne-sur-mer, in the Var. Hearings were underway Monday morning.

Rescue services came to the aid on Monday to 11 illegal migrants discovered by the police in an Italian truck in La Seyne-sur-mer (Var) and suffering from discomfort due to the transport conditions, he told AFP. "The police called us for respiratory problems, in reality it was more of the difficulties linked to the poor transport conditions but which did not require any hospitalization," a spokesman for the Var firefighters told AFP.

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Men from Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan

The police intervened following a call from the Italian transporter who "discovered 11 people on his truck", confirmed a police source to AFP. The men are from Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan, the same source told AFP. Hearings were underway Monday morning to try to determine "where and how these men got into the truck," police said.